I'm on holidays touring sunny tropical North Queensland for a few weeks. Thaught I would drop in to rub your faces...oops, I mean to say "HI" while I nurse my comedown with coffee and cones Whats the weather like over there guys? Glad to hear you all had such a great Xmas. Mine was fantastic you will be happy to know, getting pissed with my boyfriend and my ex. Santa must have thaught I was pretty good cos he got me an acid trip and a bottle of Cougar New Years went off like a frog in a sock. Its gunna be a great year. Merry, merry and a happy new year's kiss to you all. (except Wanker that is, new years kick in the guts to you)
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by PIMPDADDY: CRACKELF MEET CRACKWHORE<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> hell o <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by unlimited-time: Speaking of wanker where has that old trog been? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> jail