Medicvet Let's B Real- Answer up to your "lies"

Discussion in 'More Serious Topics' started by Belladonna, Apr 27, 2005.

  1. Belladonna

    Belladonna New Member

    Do you think you can skate on these lies by saying you are done with it? If you do not wish to continue to be hounded through the Internet why not act like an adult and answer some tough questions. Acknowledgment is the first step toward "healing" I believe. Do you really expect us to accept your answers without the ability to question them because you say so?
  2. Geezer Glide

    Geezer Glide New Member

    Just admit stand. Be an adult

    My name is Emily and I have lied about my military career

    I have no CMB, I was never in Combat, I do not suffer from PTSD.

    Go ahead Emily say those words to all of us, not just us vets but to everyone.

    It will be your first step to recovery
  3. Belladonna

    Belladonna New Member


    I'm going to take my time with these....
    What is it you have exaggerated? How is exaggerating different than outright lying?
  4. Geezer Glide

    Geezer Glide New Member

    I really fucked up that first sentence
  5. Belladonna

    Belladonna New Member

    It's ok...she has the ability to irritate one so much you cannot speak rationally...that's why I am taking my be clear and concise.
    Geezer Glide
  6. Belladonna

    Belladonna New Member

    Which border is it that you earned your CMB over? Was there Combat involved? Were you assigned to a combat unit?
  7. Belladonna

    Belladonna New Member

    Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2005 7:56 pm Post subject:


    Does being "resentful" justify lying about having an award you are not entitled to?

  8. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

    I have a very serious question. If Medicvet comes completely clean, will you embarce her aqnd forgive her or do you plan to destroy her?

    I hope all of you can see how lonely and hurt this woman is. How can she possibly risk being completely honest with you (and herself) if she knows it means rejection and ridicule?

    Are you prepared to reach out an help someone that does not deserve it?

    Can you have mercy on another human being just because they NEED it, not becuase they have earned it?

    The truth will come out of Medicvet slowly and surely if you people, WHO MAY BE THE ONLY FRIENDS SHE HAS will stop acting like a pack of rabid wolves and work with her a little.

    She hasn't hurt any of you. She may have conned you, but in doing so she conned herself the most. Don't you see that she believes her own versions? Her memory, no matter how distorted it may be, is reality to her.

    So, will you forgive her and reach out to her if she starts working on reconstructing her reality?

    Or does the military just shoot their wonded?

  9. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

    One more thing - I would bet my shoes that Medicvet does have PTSD from her time in the service. It is probably not from combat, but from sexual abuse or rape or physical abuse by some jackass who wore the uniform but not the honor.

    Maybe that is too personal to speculate about, but hey, compared to telling somebody to go ahead and kill themselves it is small potatoes.

  10. unlimited-time

    unlimited-time Active Member

    Hey Barry can i punch you in the face? Will you forgive me if i say it's coz i'm angry at the world.
  11. Belladonna

    Belladonna New Member

    Were you ever in the military? You judge us by accusing us of "shooting our wounded" do not understand us at all.
    Amvet has brought dishonor on the military by her lies and representing the military falsely. For those of us who served honorably that is not acceptable.
    You ask if we can forgive her if she comes clean?...I cannot speak for others...but I will... if she acknowledges her manipulation, apologizes for it honestly, and stops trying to make excuses for her misdeeds.
    I am not trying to convince you which of us is right...this is between Medicvet and the soldiers she has shamed by her behavior and fraudulent actions.
  12. Belladonna

    Belladonna New Member

    If I recall correctly you were banned for misrepresenting yourself. You were never "offline" your membership at other military forums such as Trackpads etc is testimony of that.
    Do I need to call the moderator from the PTSD forum here to respond to this claim?
    As to going to an Inpatient program....pardon me but aren't those normally for people in an acute crisis? How does one go about scheduling this months in advance?
  13. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

    Actually UT I do that every day. The kids I work with come in the door spittin' and hittin' and leave three months later with a hug and a tear.

    I forgive them when they hit me or spit on me because they are SCREWED UP PEOPLE and they need help.

  14. CBWIFE

    CBWIFE New Member

    Correct me if I wrong ~unicare!~~...but are you comparing us to you're SCREWED UP PEOPLE" you deal with. Because if you haven't noticed...some OF us are trying to be civil.....I wish I could say the same for others (that are normally here)...that why I gave no details of my life on your thread! :roll: Help me here?!
  15. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

    No, but most of my family has served in some capacity.

    It was not a judgment, it was a rhetorical question. Obviously, the military does not shoot their wounded. Medicvet is mentally wounded, and whether it is the result of combat or self inflicted injury is really not the issue. She needs help, not someone to finsh her off.

    I understand that and agree. Find a way to correct the wrong, don't just make more wrongs.

    And work on being a friend to her again? Now that would be honorable amd impressive.

  16. Your Friend Whipone

    Your Friend Whipone New Member

    I think I have PTSD after reading this thread.
  17. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

    I was talking about Medicvet. I think you are an Ok person, as I told you. Medicvet is not OK, as we all know. I don't get offended when people who have problems do something to me that they may/may not be able to understand or help.

    Don't go paranoid on me. I was just starting to trust you.

  18. Belladonna

    Belladonna New Member

    I cannot say I would be her friend. I respect my friends...I trust my friends. I would do my best not to be her enemy...that is the best I can do. Guess I'm not honorable according to your definition...but I will not lie and say something I know I will not do.
  19. Belladonna

    Belladonna New Member

    You want to be traumatized...I could see what I can do...if you're truly interested. :twisted:
  20. redskin

    redskin New Member

    Way to get her billy-ky opppssss I mean geezer :roll:

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