Pentagon Will "Catapult the Propaganda" Via U.S. Media Military, government indoctrination wing formally declares psychological warfare on the American people. The Pentagon has formally declared psychological warfare on the American people by announcing it will engage in propaganda and indoctrination by using the Internet and media to "set the record straight" on the war on terror. Recent history clearly indicates this is just the latest outreach of an insipid brainwashing agenda that is totally unlawful and anathema to the U.S. Constitution. In the past, the military or the government did not announce that they were planting surreptitious propaganda to target U.S. audiences, they did it secretly and for a very good reason - because it was and still is illegal. But since George W. Bush, backed by his renegade legal advisors, officially announced the end of the Republic and the birth of the "decidership," he can arbitrarily create out of thin air, ignore, or amend any law he likes and to all intents and purposes is above the Constitution and has ascribed to himself total dictator power. The only thing that remains is, in his own words, to "catapult the propaganda," in an attempt to legitimize his absolute rule and assure the blind obedience of the American people to his junta's future desecrations of foreign lands and the bill of rights at home. The new program is simply another wing of the Pentagon’s Office of Strategic Influence, publicly announced after 9/11 but simply the latest incarnation of a PR brainwashing scam that spans back decades. The OSI exploited legal loopholes by planting its propaganda in foreign newspapers that would later be picked up by U.S. newswires. In today's environment even that seems quaint, with the Pentagon openly and proudly shouting from the rooftops that they will knowingly violate the law to indoctrinate the American people. Perhaps the most alarming case of the military's information tentacles burrowing their influence deep into media circles in recent years was in February 2000, when another branch of the same Pentagon propaganda bureau, Psychological Operations Command (PSYOPS), had placed their operatives "in the news division at CNN's Atlanta headquarters as part of an “internship” program starting in the final days of the Kosovo War." FAIR speculated that the purpose was twofold, one to directly propagandize the American people via CNN and also potentially to allow the "military to conduct an intelligence-gathering mission against the network itself," because the "military needed to find ways to "gain control" over commercial news satellites to help bring down an "informational cone of silence" over regions where special operations were taking place." With the knowledge that government propagandists were utilizing U.S. news network hubs at CNN to run what was described as a "vast psychological warfare operation of the kind the military conducts to influence a population in enemy territory," and that this took place over six years ago - just imagine how infested today's networks and newsrooms are with paid agent provocateur propagandists whose sole job specification is to orchestrate methods of mind control over the population of the United States. In October 2005 Government Accountability Office investigators concluded that the Bush administration's secret policy to pay off influential journalists to plant fake news and positive spin on Bush's policies was illegal and that the "administration had disseminated "covert propaganda" in the United States, in violation of a statutory ban." The consequences were not the drafting of new legislation that would clearly outlaw such actions in future, nor any form of criminal proceedings against the protagonists. The upshot of it all was a slap on the wrist for Armstrong Williams and a request that he pay back part of the money that the government had given him - not even all of it. "Armstrong Williams is going to pay back $34,000 to the government for work he failed to deliver, but who's going to pay the taxpayers for the rest of the quarter million dollars Williams was paid for his propaganda services to the administration?," asked Congressman George Miller, as the Justice Department hurried a settlement and swept the whole sordid affair under the rug.
I havent heard anything about it, Im sure it will be on youtube soon, an explosion that big, should be on google earth.....
Ok, this is sarcasm, yes? There was barely any mention of it in the mainstream press, and you aren't exactly the best informed bunch of guffawing slack jaws, so it's hard to tell.
I googled 'Camp Falcon Explosion' and nothing came up. I will admit that and are on my must read list of web sites. I would think that our very liberal media would make a very big deal about this, unless of course Paris Hilton gets arrested or Britney gets a divorce.
Well if there is ever anything to show us having something bad happen they usually report it pretty big.
The last 3 months the news has pretty much ignored Iraq. I have to watch it at work in case anything happens. You know to let the DJ know to tell the building. Like 9/11 and all that. It annoys me to no end. But even CNN I find leans a little to the right then the past. The network that is the most right is Fox & the most left is MSNBC.
I try not to watch any of those anymore. I just read it on line and draw my own conclusions. Saying they are biased is an understatement, but then again who isnt? It would be nice if they had a news agency that just reported the facts and not opinions.
But, phatboy, anything you read online is subject to a slant. Video, audio, print, digital media; it's all based on the perception of the human beings behind the delivery. I don't know what we're being fed anymore. Two accounts of the same auto crash could be wildly different. I was part (albeit small) of OIF and still have no firm grasp of everything going on there. Sorry, I guess I rambled away from any point.
Right, but I can get many different perspectives online and then draw my own conclusions. Media bias is real, propaganda is real. You see things, and then you read things and it makes you wander what happened to the things you saw that were never reported on.
Well the simple thing about Media and reporters is they are going to skew everything they report or write a little towards their view. You have to read between the lines to find the real story.
I seeeee. So, not sarcasm then! And because there was no prominent mainstream press reports on it on the first page when you googled for it, you dismissed it out of hand? You really expected those who have everything to lose by this information becoming public to shout it from the rooftops? Just before the midterm election, no less! Well i can assure you, it definately happened! The only thing we can't be sure of yet is whether one of the most important weapons and munitions stores and major troop bases built to house up to 5000 military personnel which was destroyed by some of the biggest explosions Baghdad has seen since the initial bombing stages of the war, was miraculously only manned by 100 troops that night and also miraculously suffered 'no severe damage and no casualties' as the U.S. spokesperson says, OR was virtually destroyed and suffered around 300 U.S. casualties (including private contractors), and 90 Iraqi casualties as Resistance reports and Iraqi eye witnesses suggest, or somewhere in the middle? Thanksgiving, 2 years ago there were 3,000 U.S soldiers... Here (again...seeing as you seemed to miss them the first time they were posted) are the videos on youtube: Marines video of Camp Falcon Euro news Arabic news coverage In case FOX, CNN, ABC etc haven't told you, there is an information war going on (they did learn something from the Vietnam debacle). What did you think was the U.S. army's reason for announcing at the beginning of the war that any unembedded reporters were to, for the first time, become 'legitimate U.S. military targets'? And indeed have been!
Okay, Maybe Im crazy but the Youtube you posted said "Posted May 12th 2006" then in the quote on drudge you quote it as saying "Both sides say explosions were heard from miles away around Baghdad throughout the night of October 10th, 2006." So did the Marines get in their time machines, that GW built, and go back and post the video?
Hmm, well spotted. It actually says underneath it's the "ammo supply point for the Kirkuk airbase". That's what i get for taking the link from another forum. But the other videos are from television news, so are a bit more reliable.