Barry, what do you know/think about cymbalta? Does it contain any narcotics in it? Does it accually work? or just an over priced placebo?
I know my name isn't Barry, but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night. Are you asking in reference to Symbalta being used to treat Multiple Sclerosis (neurpathic pain) or as an anti-depressant?
I had to do some research! I thought it was an SNRI but I wasn't sure. Symbalta is in the same catagory as Effexor. It's also in the same catagory as bupropion which is used in Wellbutrin and Zyban. Although (and I need some clarification on this one) Wellbutrin and Zyban are considered 'novel antidepressants'. I'm not quite clear on what that is, exactly. Anyway, I have a friend that is taking Symbalta and she swears by it. She is also taking it for chronic neck, shoulder, and back pain as well as treatment for depression. It's not a placebo, no. But depending on what you've been on before and what your tolerance is would certainly have a direct effect on how you react to it. My friend went off of Symbalta on her own (because she's a dumbass) and she had a lot of trouble. So it's addictive. I should also mention that she is addicted to a number of prescribed pain medications so she's 'easy.' I was recently diagnosed with adult ADD. (ain't that a bitch?) and was finally talked into 'taking something' for it. I had depression and all the neat things associated with it and had been living with it my entire life. My doctor and I went through 5 different medications before I would take one for more than a week. I researched everything to death and came to the conclusion that no matter what is written about any one drug and it's effects on people, it's going to vary from person to person. Since Symbalta is related to Effexor, I wouldn't touch that with a 10 foot pole. Effexor messed me up bad. Is your depression chemical or situational because of your back problems? Sorry if I'm being too nosey. After having figured out a lot of things as a direct result of finally giving in and 'taking something' for ADD, I've become somewhat of an advocate of treatment through medication if there is no other option. My doctor also uses me as a psychological guina pig of sorts. I am able to describe to him in great detail exactly what's going on with my brain. I guess I'm a bit of an oddity, though. I have another condition which also screws with my chemical balance in both my brain and my body so I'm a mess. I'll stop this now. I could keep typing for hours because I'm just in one of those moods where I pick something and go at it full force. And you be the target! Oh, one more thing. PLEASE if you've never been on any type of depression medication before, please please pay attention to how you feel and if something just isn't right.. tell your doctor straight away and don't be put off by, "Oh you just need to give it 4 weeks to really start working." If it isn't 'right' in the first week, it's probably not going to be right 4 weeks from now. I've seen and counselled so many people who were made zombies all in the interest of curing that depression. must... stop... typing... now.......
Cymbalta sucks. It's supposed to be especially effective for men with depression (haven't heard of it being used for back pain Dwaine but if it works, awsome). Two friends have tried it. One couldn't use it past three days. He said he was extremely anxious and snappy. My second friend said he had the same but he kept plugging away. It's supposed to take up to six weeks to normalize with your body. You know what works just as good as medicine in depression studies? Regular exercise.
You mean instead of buying a little pill to mask the problem, he should tackle it head-on with some excercise? That's crazy man. YOU'RE crazy!
Oh... ouch. No cathoder please. Just the thought makes enter a very H.R. Giger-esque world where metal tubes protruding from your your urethra is a way of life. Then again, perfectly shaped and moulded breasts are also common. Perhaps there is a win here.