By John Boehner on fighting tooth and nail against the united states in the war on terrorism in hopes that some sort of terror act may occur and they can hit political pay dirt. The Republican House leader, John Boehner, responds to Senator Dingy Harry's comments that he had made earlier that morning, yesterday morning on the floor of the Senate, on the president's 9/11 speech. Here is a portion of Boehner's remarks. This is what got the fur flying all day yesterday in Washington. BOEHNER: Sometimes based on the votes that get cast, you wonder whether they're more interested in the rights of the terrorists than in protecting the American people. REID: Haven't we moved beyond that? Haven't we moved beyond the Republicans are more religious than Democrats? Haven't we moved beyond the fact that Republicans are trying to save us from the terrorists and Democrats aren't? I think we've moved beyond that.[/quote] Joeslogic: While its true that the media is not going to say a thing about Reids statement in 2005 after the Dems blocked the patriot act. But thanks to Rush here is the quote. Friday, December 16th of 2005. This is after the vote on the Patriot Act. Dingy Harry talking to the press. So the scumbags typical of them selves where they know the media will enable them to create the illusion that they are patriotic and not the group of traitors that they are act all self righteous.