So me and my friends saw ball lightning tuesday night around 11:50. Totall Recall had the best look at the thing, but that sumbitch came flying out from the clouds. It was overcast, but there were no storms or heavy winds. I caught it in my left eye, and as I turned to focus on it I saw it's trail and saw it wink out in a bright ass flash that lit up the entire inside of the van. Recall was in the back seat and was already staring out the window in its direction. He said it looked like a ball with whispy lines coming off of it, and it fucking hurt his eye when it flashed out. It was maybe a mile or two away from us at most, and judging from the distance the solid, white orb of it was probably 15 - 20 feet wide. Our driving friend had also quickly turned his head and saw the same thing. It didn't make a noise that we could tell. So I thought that was pretty damn cool. I'm willing to bet you guys will probably get to see your own ball lightning before the world goes crazy... well maybe as the world's going crazy. Seeing this ball lightning got me wondering if those were the stars that were supposedly falling in the bible. If this electrical shit around the Earth really takes off in these coming years (we've had 400+ tornadoes so far compared to 90 last year, and comets are breaking up way out in orbit like Saturn compared to when they usually break up close to the Sun, and it would coincide with all the war and rumors of awesome all out war!!!!) then we could have awesome showers of ball lightning just like an Apocalypse should.
Re: Me, Recall, and another friend saw ball lightning Tuesda I think you left out, 'in the middle school parking lot'. Its amazing what mace will make you see.
HaHahA! Yeah, good stuff. But seriously, we saw fucking ball lightning! It was the craziest damn thing I'd seen in a long ass while.
Was Confusion Over Global Warming a Con Job? Smurf reporting for ABC News under the ghost name of Geoff Morrell?
Most people witnessing ball lightning phenomena report seeing a bright white or blue ball of energy about an inch or so wide, in some cases up to 8-10 inches wide and usualy inside buildings or vehicles, not outdoors. What you saw was probably something as simple as a prelude to an Alien invasion or some such trivial banality...
My mom saw ball lightning roll down her roof and into the yard as a child... I've always wanted to see that shit in person.
Well it seems outdoor occurrences happen more often than I'm lead to beleive. But I still reckon it was a 'flying saucer' they saw, and they were brainwashed to think they saw 'ball lightning'. There's always a simple explanation to these things you know... Anyway, how you doing Lomo? Fame at last eh? Got your own section! (And who the hell's 'Barry'?!! ). I've been away far to long... but probably not long enough for some!
I must say that usually I would come up with some kind of funny shit to say about this, but I did actually see it for myself. I was day dreaming in the back of the car just looking out into night sky ( thinking of asian girls ) when all of a sudden this ball of energy , a light of some type flashed. It lit up the whole van. And it wasn't like lighting it was like a surge of power you get when a light bulb burns out or something. It left me with flash in my left eye, thats how damn bright the damn thing was god damn it. damn!
Hey here's some footage some people riding around in China snagged of some ball lightning. When I saw it I was like "daaaaamn, that's what we saw!" Ball lightning