what do you get when you add: Me + Schmed + 1/4 ounce of Psylocibe mushrooms + one fifth of Wild Turkey 101 Diveded by one highly retarded brother named Harlan = this video Man I wish I could remember the rest of that night. It's all a blur, but I remember something about mike Williams and a greased up wiffleball bat...
Harlan has been crying all day too, it's probably because I keep vacuuming the carpet outside his door.....
Heh I been teasing him with the dustbuster this morning at the breakfast able... its great to watch him break down and cry untrolably, like a 9 year old boy on the witness stand, at a Micheal Jackson molestation trial...
That's fucking great... The new rock station here is always looking for new stunts to make people do for free concert tickets - I'm going to suggest this and link the video. Hell, I've already seen a Fugly moniker at the bottom of one of the pictures someone linked to on their msg board...