Mars: Just wondering why all these awesome structures exist

Discussion in 'More Serious Topics' started by smurfslappa, Oct 11, 2005.

  1. smurfslappa

    smurfslappa New Member

    So what's up with all the weird ass craters and structures on Mars? I see Nefertiti, dolphins, faces, lions, and all sorts of other crazy pyramid cities and shit. My theory is that humans Mars and Earth populated, and we lived in balance with nature. Maybe we did wondrous things and flew around and all those other powers that we crave.

    What's our true history? The dinosaurs could of been a part of someone else's utopia, then we took this planet for ourselves. Some Ancient Religions such as the Aborigines say that we're unweclcome here. Or maybe per creationism, the Bible speaks as metaphors. Gettting kicked out of the Garden of Eden and all the other Ancient Asskickings that sent us back to the stone age and out of the Grand Kingdom of Heaven or whatever things we were involved in before we got greedy.

    Anyways though, they sling the Comet/Planet Venus past Mars, sucking up the atmosphere. Earth gets fucked up and misses the planet's wrath, thoroughly crushing our empire. Ancient Mayan texts and legends talk about the entire atmosphere of the red planet being sucked up, and all the great fires that fell out of the sky here on Earth.

    Anyone got any thoughts on why these craters appear on the surface? Just for kicks humor me and pretend that we once lived there. From what you all know about Religion and Ancient Beliefs how would you explain this?

    Artificial Structures on Mars

    Don't tell me they were caused by the wind and shit, either.
  2. diogenes

    diogenes New Member

    It's possible there was a civilization there, but it's unlikely that it would have been human. Watch mission to Mars, it puts forth a similar hypothesis as to what happened, and why the face is there. I think that they're putting more into it than is really there though. If you stare at enough clouds then eventually you're gonna see something, even if it's not there.
  3. smurfslappa

    smurfslappa New Member

    Fool, don't discount this Ancient History for some Hollywood Magic. These guys knew what they were talking about. Interpret the Bible, and you'll see what I'm talking about. We fucked up and here we are. Where we're headed is the hundred bilion majillion dollar question.
  4. smiles

    smiles New Member

    smurf this faking being crazy thing is getting old

    MEDICVET New Member

    mission to mars was a cool movie.

    and smurfslappa is out of his freakin mind..and I thought I was nuckin futz~!
  6. smurfslappa

    smurfslappa New Member

    I'm not crazy, I really think we were a lot more awesome than we are now. I mean, look how we're being set up for failure. Let's stomp all over the rainforests, eat all the damn animals or kill them off, make up all sorts of crazy medicines that fuck us up even more, eat fast food and be lazy, and lose touch with all our ancient knowledge that was supposed to be passed down from generation to generation. We're running down a path that any motherfucker with half a brain who's thoroughly researched the subject can tell you is just leading us into our selfdestruction.

    I see how religion is going to play a role in what's to come, and how our past might of really looked. Call me crazy if you want, but I like to think I'm just informed. Something is going down, and we're not supposed to know the truth. So go ahead and believe what's up inside your textbook, I've been on a truth-seeking mission, and any of you all are welcome to join me.
  7. smiles

    smiles New Member

    ... why IS the post drinking shit so damn hard regardless of what you ate?!?
  8. smurfslappa

    smurfslappa New Member

    Yeah dude, you've reminded us how making sense kicks ass by posting that jibberish. And by listening to point you've just made, I can try to apply that to the Big Damn Picture called the Origins of Mankind. I mean, look at the world around us for a second. The Mars shit, the missing link, our current situation, religion and it's origins, ancient civilization's texts.

    Brain storm for a moment, and try to make something up that combines all that. Given the awesomeness of the occurence in our history of all these things, I think it's an awesome Cold Sober topic to discuss. So let me hear some of you self-touted smarter-than-me's come up with something more sane than my ideas.
  9. smiles

    smiles New Member

    ok i'll play along

    The Mars Shit: it's a planet, with rocks on it, and rock formations, why would any ancient civilizations carve OUTLINES of EARTH animals into their land...... and not very good ones at that.... i'm not saying there never was life on mars.... could have been.... but why would a race that posesses "Ancient Knowledge" spend their free time carving animal figures into their rock, animals for which we can trace the evolutionary path on earth...

    Missing Link: We've only been looking for the damn thing for less then a century, dont lose hope!

    Our current situation: what would that be?

    Origins of religion: which religion? All religion? specify please

    Ancient Civ texts: which texts? That say what?
  10. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    invader zim - battle of the planets

  11. Dwaine Scum

    Dwaine Scum New Member

    Diaz, you are one whacky taco turd
  12. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    dwaine, you are one missing link
  13. smurfslappa

    smurfslappa New Member

    Yeah, thanks for trying to play along Smiles. But come on, someone really use their brain here.

    I've got a few ideas.

    Maybe Atlantis was an awesome Megacity. They controlled all the peoples of the world with their awesome technology, and played God. The peoples, ancient civilizations, offered tribute all the damn time because they believed God showed up, so they gave all the nice delicious fruits and foods their area of the world had to offer all the damn time to make God happy. Living inbetween the pole and the equator is the best spot. Live where the climate is mild, and harvest from the equator where the vegetation is thick, healthy, and awesome to eat.

    We also had Mars doing the same thing, maybe, but one way or the other we pissed someone off and they hurled a planet past us, thoroughly fucking up Mars, and destroying Atlantis. All the older civilizations, no longer held back by God, had a chance to come up. The old white people who ran the show back in the day are trying to come back up in the world now. They got the plan on how to reestablish their power, and here we are.

    These people had to have to have had awesome spirits though dudes. They never wasted their time on television or bullshit like that, and they were capable of some very awesome things.
  14. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    yeah i've been enjoying the new stargate too
  15. smurfslappa

    smurfslappa New Member

    Sweeeeet. So that's what that's about. I've never seen, nor bothered to find out what that show was about. I hate the asshole who turned that idea into a show to discredit it.

    But that doesn't matter so much. I know our origins are a little more complicated than monkey see monkey do monkey evolve.
  16. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

    "our origins"

    Quite a stretch to believe that your evolutionary path is the same as the rest of us.

  17. Dwaine Scum

    Dwaine Scum New Member

  18. Dwaine Scum

    Dwaine Scum New Member

    It took you this long to figure that out?
  19. diogenes

    diogenes New Member

    How do you know that Smurf? Don't tell me you are an intelligent design theorist.
  20. smurfslappa

    smurfslappa New Member

    Maybe not intelligent design, but I sure as hell know we were at one point way more awesome than we are now. And I sure as hell hope we're not being set up for total failure, which we could very well be. The thought of our extinction sucks.

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