I have a giant ziploc bag full of ice right on my chest, and a very cold can of beer.... And I am still fucking hot.
About this same time of year in '99 or so, my A/C unit went out on a Friday. I was too cheap to pay for a weekend call, so I sat it out. Just so happened that we were setting record highs that weekend, too (111-113ºF, and that was before the heat index). It sucked, I know how ya feel. Just remember, flow-through helps, and even better - most bars I've been to are air conditioned.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lomo's Haus of Audio-Video Bliss: (111-113ºF, B]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Fuck, over here we hit our all time record yesterday (101 degrees at heathrow airport) and that was plain uncomfortable. I think us Brits would dissolve at anything higher. (I'm typing this just after the biggest thunder storm I have ever seen) searing heat, amazing lightning and flash floods all in one day. Marvellous. Oh by the way, also in this wonderful country you are within your rights not to work if it is too cold. Too hot? Tough shit apparently.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by stymie: Oh by the way, also in this wonderful country you are within your rights not to work if it is too cold. Too hot? Tough shit apparently.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> yeah but your employer has a legal obligation to ensure the health and safety of thier employee's if its too hot get enviromental health round! when i worked for a shitty co b4 who were too stingy to fix the air con, i made a call and got 2 days off while it was repaired
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by stymie: Fuck, over here we hit our all time record yesterday (101 degrees at heathrow airport) and that was plain uncomfortable. I think us Brits would dissolve at anything higher.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Mind you, that was just the all-time record high for those particular days of the year... It has gotten hotter. I did see one of the best lightning shows the other night - badass enough to make me pull over and enjoy 30 minutes of it in a restaurant parking lot. It's crazy, a low pressure zone that's closing in on us will allow it to get fucking hot during the day, then mid-afternoon spark some hellacious T-storms to cool us off for a while, then come back after dark... Love this fucking weather.
Nah, I am still sitting it out. However, it rained a bit this morning, so I had a good excuse to drink outdoors. (Not that I fish for excuses, mind you..... )