Would somebody please post something in my forum so that I can feel loved and needed? I gave up on feeling important long ago. Loved and needed is enough. Well, OK, maybe just needed is enough. Just post something.
Sorry, Bugs got to me first. I painted a bathroom all weekend. She promised me sex if I got it done. Desperation affects a man's memory. I'm sure you can relate. Just turn them off (sprinklers) until Monday. We have had enough rain.
Uh, I cant post. I have absolutely nothing to post relating to mental health. Well lets see. Okay, how about this, for some reason when Im playing golf and drinking beer, I get very nostalgic and reminiscent(SP?). Im not sure why. Is this just a product of drinking? Is this feeling why I like to drink beers? Hmmmmmm?
A friend of mine has a boss who is bald, about 5'1", super (fake) tanned, drives an Alfa Romeo sports car and shouts at his staff to get them to do things. Diagnosis, Barry?
While we wait on Barry, I'm placing my chips on: Napoleonic complex, narcissist, and a small penis. Not me, though.........I'm 6'2".........narcissist, small penis.
I would have to say peculiar, or as a person I work with would say, You are very particular, I would be more pacific, but I dont know you that well..... Yes, and they make a lot of money!!!! Woo Hoo
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Napoleon_complex Tell your friend to change jobs, or sue for hostile work environment.