Looks like the big economic meltdown is slowly making its way to the surface

Discussion in 'More Serious Topics' started by bigpappadiaz, Aug 18, 2007.

  1. bigpappadiaz

    bigpappadiaz Member

  2. bigpappadiaz

    bigpappadiaz Member

  3. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Long time no see Smurf.

    Did you forget I already said it would happen two years ago. I said then it was part of the Democratic Hillary campaign roll out. On top of that a moveon.org army of shitbirds will be mobilized to spread the propaganda.
  4. bigpappadiaz

    bigpappadiaz Member

    Bah! It was already well underway by then. It's not a bipartisan issue. This economic meltdown will affect both red and blue states.

    I can see you still got a one-track mind, though. Good to see you anyway, Joe.
  5. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    It does necessarily need to be a melt down. The economy has been awesome despite gregarious hurdles it had to over come. The last eight years should go down in history as proof positive that cutting taxes stimulates economy. However with the low cost financing a lot of businesses have extended themselves and if there is a slowdown will have a hard time adjusting. I think you will see an odd mix of inflation of prices from over extended business in the midst of a slowdown. These will be scooped up by competition (it's a dog eat dog world)

    This type of slowdown is due to News media blitz of bad economy propaganda pounding consumer confidence. And investor fears (realistic fear at that) of a liberal takeover resulting in a tax hike. The natural tendency to cut fat, without necessarily increasing taxable profits in preparation for hard times.

    This is not to hard to figure out if you were paying attention at the end of the terms for the previous administrations. You will figure it out one day and not be so easily manipulated.

    The trick though is how it gets spun.
  6. bigpappadiaz

    bigpappadiaz Member

    Bah, it's already the big meltdown underway. They stopped reporting M3 so that people wouldn't notice all the money being made out of thin air, but the dollar will basically be worthless real soon. All the GSE's have the plunge prevention team flooding them with liquidity to prevent an allout crash, but they won't be able to do it for long.

    We'll see all the subprime's go under, and when they do and your house is worth considerably less and millions of people are out in the streets... it'll be amazing. Not much longer now Joe...
  7. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    A picture of your own recomended stock picks is worth a thousand words.


    What a fool. The only way he can regain credibility is bitch, wine, complain to create fear and thereby create his own prediction. Conveniently in time for the election and polls.

    All I'm saying is when it happens remember that the media pumped up the tech bubble as if it was not their and discredited anyone who mentioned it as trying to "Down talk the economy" this in full cooperation with the democratic talking points regarding the recession cover up.

    Bush took that bubble burst and lowered taxes then before an effect could take place was hit with the trade towers, then Katrina and a war against terror.

    Honestly you have to be retarded to not see it.

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