No direct cash incentive for participation offered, so without the profit motive, the only incentive would be to better both your own and other citizen's awareness of our current "State of the Union." Here's the mission: While at a typical one-stop-shopping store (this would include any establishment where you can purchase a dozen eggs, shoes, hunting/fishing/automotive maintenance supplies, a television, aspirin, and a bible,) - take a moment to meander over to the ammo counter and make a short list of what caliber of ammunition is in stock and available for sale. My gut feeling is that it will be a short list, and quickly composed. Now, for the people that both read this forum and shop at dedicated sporting goods stores, the same info is asked. My goal for this experiment is to compile a list of data that can be demographically laid out in a nice little pie chart, and will remain inconclusive and subject to criticism to anyone, and serves absolutely no purpose whatsoever. Much like gun control. Seriously, though - I think there are a few people on this forum that would be interested in seeing what trends on ammunition shortages occur first in any given region.
Went to a specialty hunting store last week and they only sold the 9mm ammo with the purchase of a gun.
Amazing.... Well, not really, considering the election. Anyone else care to contribute? It's sad to walk into a place and see people pleased to see the shitty Monarch brand available for .223 here... Hell, equally as bad, Remington UMC 250ct 9mm packs were on hold when I made my most recent purchase... I never thought I'd revel in the availability of Union Metallic Cartridges. Ugh. I'll announce my 4/10 addition in a different thread...
I checked my favorite small gun store today for availability of ammo. There didn't seem to be too much of a shortage there, only increased prices. 700 rounds of Silver Bear .223 in a vaccuum sealed can for $285 as opposed to $245 six weeks ago when I bought one along with my Bushmaster ORC. 400 rounds of Magtech .223 for $240 in an ammo can. 500 rounds of Brown Bear 7.62x39 for $185 He had lots of .40 and 9mm and other calibers in various makes on the shelf. He did say, however, that ammo is getting harder to get.
.223 bulk is impossible to find and it pisses me off. Only a year ago i could go to the monthly gun show and get a 500 round box of brown bear for dirt cheap. Not anymore. Little by little I'm building up on 100 round boxes of steel-case Federal. But oh ho! I just got transferred to infantry unit, and I know the ammunition specialist and armorer. This could be quite helpful. They just got back from Iraq so in a couple weeks when things start rolling around here I'll see what I can scrounge.
dude, lomo i line in NC, where you cann get 7MM hunting ammo at th convince store with your coke slupee and hustler jerk-off magazine
Shit... 7mm? They're practically giving the shit away in name brands down here. (Granted, I say 'giving away' when insinuating "available in stock") The Hornady .223's are about the only thing that's been steadily available in probable assault rifle calibur, and this is just the past week or two here. ~$19 for a box of 20 - seems consistent with the prices on the Winchesters I saw for sale today. Far from 'deal prices' though. 30.06 is kinda hit-and-miss. It's a popular caliber for hunters, and not as much is ordered typically, so whenever I saw the Springfield name on a tag, I added a few boxes to the stash. I'll probably live my entire life out and never run out of AK-47 ammo - then again, I do suffer from mood swings, so no telling. Suffice it to say, the only current 7.62mm available here is in a length unsuitable for my rifle. I have been eyeing a pre-Soviet Nagant rifle, however, and even then, the rimmed cartridges aren't around (locally.) Hell, I bought a 100rd box of .45ACP last week (Just because it was there) - and I don't even have a .45 Auto - but it's on the list. .357 Mags are nonexistent, and .38 SPL's are almost as hard to find - the only ones that might stay on the shelves are the +P+ versions that some guns won't reliably support. The only real thing I'm looking for right now is a 3" .410 Magnum 000 Buckshot shell. Can't find those bitches anywhere.