check out the game Activision Anthology Remix. 75 atari games: Boxing Bridge Checkers Dragster Fishing Derby Skiing Freeway® Ice Hockey Pitfall!® 2: The Lost Caverns Robot Tank Kaboom!® Demon Attack Laser Blast Tennis Atlantis Barnstorming Chopper Command Stampede Kabobber Thwocker Grand Prix Megamania: A Space Nightmare Pitfall!® River Raid® Tomcat F14 River Raid® 2 Baseball Skyjinks Spider Fighter Starmaster Beamrider Moonsweeper Crackpots Decathlon Dolphin Enduro Frostbite Keystone Kapers Oink! Commando™ Plaque Attack Pressure Cooker Private Eye Titlematch Pro Wrestling Seaquest Space Shuttle: A Journey Into Space Cosmic Commuter Hero Atlantis 2 Climber 5 Cosmic Ark Dragonfire Video Euchre Fathom Fire Fighter Laser Gates No Escape! Okie Oystron Quick Step Shootin' Gallery Bloody Human Freeway Vault Assault Venetian Blinds Wing War Star Voyager Subterranea Trick Shot Skateboardin' Skeleton+ Sky Patrol Solar Storm Space Treat Deluxe Riddle of the Sphinx Activision Prototype 1 Activision Prototype 2
That's a lot of Atari games. I remember some of those--but none of them ever have my favorite Atari game, Pheonix. You guys ever heard of that? I remember playing Atari Baseball I think. Holding the button down and pulling the joystick (not mine) down made yer hit a homerun. Those were the days
I worked on a guy's Phoenix arcade game last year... The cabinet was in great shape - Wouldn't mind having it someday.
Damn, that's a lot of fucking games in that list - I didn't know Activision made that many back in the day... All's I knew was that half of the programmers for Atari's games were getting pissed off because they weren't able to 'sign their names' to the games - so they got together and formed 'Activision' - hence the author credit(s) on the game box/sticker/etc.