thank you sweetums! that was very nice of you!! i will begin work on it this very evening, and i will keep you updated of my progress and the links to get there.. xoxox RAT :kissyface:
I'd also like to thank IMC for giving me an LJ code a while back. i couldnt get it to work; but hey, he tried. *pats IMC on his head
Hey Rat....go to the "invite a friend" section, generate a code, and give it to Lomo (all of us should be on ....)
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Ulfur Engil: Hey Rat....go to the "invite a friend" section, generate a code, and give it to Lomo (all of us should be on ....)<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> i guess i have to wait until my account is a week old. after that though, SURE!
Why exactly DO we have to wait a week to get the code? And anyone willing to help me out? I'm having major troubles posting fucking pics on my journal.....
Really, it's a complicated process... First, you have to take a series of nude pictures and email them to me, then we can work on 'uploading' them.
good lord. i dont know shit about html or LJ codes and i managed to figure it out by reading the FAQ's. even got my "ass" background on there. YAY ME!
well i use the LJ code they have,with the LJ cut to post any pics,and it still gives me that dreaded red x. I've used two different pic hosting sites,so I dont know whats going on,and I cut and paste the code,so its not like I typed it in wrong. And Lomo,last I read,you dont HAVE an LJ,do you???? so until you get one no nudies.
What is everyones LJ screen name... My real life friends suck... so maybe my pertend internet fuckers are more interesting... mine is icenhour I can help with pics too... I will tel ya how tomorrow .. I am sleepy
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by lil_devil: And Lomo,last I read,you dont HAVE an LJ,do you???? so until you get one no nudies.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Is that a promise that when I do get one, you will provide me with some nudes?
mine's Katinthahat And I'll have to see about the nudes. As I'm not in possession of them at the moment and all