i loathe livejournal. it is a seething mass of emotardity. an amplification chamber that trumpets piffling insignificant glitches into microcosmic soapoperas. it seems there's a generation of people for whom spilling their innermost thoughts and feelings into the world, like vomit on the pavement on saturday night, comes as second nature. and for whom detailing their life for all to scrutinise has become an essentiality. kindof like the tour diaries certain rock stars keep updated on their personal websites, except i understand the need to keep a loyal fanbase informed and interested when your career depends on them, though i also think the need of fans to keep abreast of every development of their idols lives is definately a little too obsessive, and possibly not very healthy. that being said, if the time comes for me to confess an abnormal attraction to lactating llamas and a sexual preference for creationary penetration points in black putrification stage cadavers... it'll be the day i take command of my own livejournal
Well, if not for that reason, obtain one just so that you can join IMC, Icenhour, Rat, and myself, and we can go on mass attacks on someone's personal confession about how their bf/gf "5uXX0r3."
http://www.livejournal.com/users/pimpchichi/ already did.. and my interest waned once the beer/drugs wore off and i remembered that i already post whatever thoughts and feelings i'm prepared to share with the world on a couple of forums, and i don't need my own personal vanityforum as well
Well, I now have yours added. Just add an underscore between the Ulfur and the Engil, and you have mine now.
what you fail to understand Pimp, is that a LiveJournal may be anything you wish it to be. my "fan" base only consists of three people- all people that i already know and i do not desire creating a larger base of people that i do not care about. it exists primarily for me and not for my audience. i do not lend my views to online journal soapopera's, nor do i care what these thousands of users have to say. i usually just bitch and rant in mine and every so often i get a response, albeit rare. i would think you could utilize your journal to share some of the stories you've written in the past that you've shared here; or perhaps some new ones. i'd be interested in reading that.
I use LJ for a few reasons... 1. I dont have to tell the same story 10 times...the bastards can just read it there, none of my "real" friends have LJs...and think I am retarded for having one..(when I say "real" I mean people I hang out with often) 2. I like the silly clubs, where people post pics and get rated, as well as the clubs where people post dirty pics. (hey it's free porn) IMC frequents these groups posting pics of himself fingering his but hole. A truly delightful sight, I must say. 3. I have ADHD, and I forget shit all the time, putting crap in my LJ helps me remember things. 4. It keeps my stalker up to date on where I will be, So he can show up and buy me drinks. As well as letting him know helpful things like " I realy want that perfume ...Ralph Lauren, Blue" 5. I don't spill my guts like some people, I dont make emotional post (except when I found out my dog had cancer) but I like seeing other peoples crap when I am board. I like it when people have LJs with entries like this: February 16, 2004 I am about to eat a bottle of pills I can't fucking take it anymore. I love you all, but death is better then living like this. Farewell. Remember me. February 19, 2004 OMG turn it on American Idol, that guy is hot! Oh and I got a new shirt at K mart today, it is so cute Those people crack me up... I read random people's crapy journals... due to my LJ friends never post, or its never interesting...unless its ulfur_engil posting about his public cross dressing experiments. 7. I like to post in the TMI club, because I'm a classy lady and well, I guess I just like telling TMI... i.e. http://www.livejournal.com/community/too_much_info/906453.html and http://www.livejournal.com/community/too_much_info/495205.html and http://www.livejournal.com/community/too_much_info/1071507.html In all honesty, about once a week I think to myself..."How fucking stupid, I have an online journal" and I tell myself I will drop it and never go back... but then like the big dork I am ...I go back. Hell I said the same thing about this place.... and look at my stupid ass... right back here again. In my old age I have become an online geek, oh well. fuck it. If you can read this ... you are a big online dork,,, just like me. So come on down and get ya a free journal and join me and the other LJ retards... You have already joined the likes of forum freaks. Might as well go all the way baby!
Here's something you might enjoy. http://atomfilms.shockwave.com/landing/landingIndex.jsp?id=stunt_ccks&mature=accept
HEEYYYYY! I know i fucking post so you must think i'm boring! so fuck you fatty brain pants! i never liked you anyway! mutherfucker.
I guess it depends on your definition of "cross-dressing." And, speaking of which, I picked up a brand-spanking-new uniform (a repro, hence it being new...but a really nice one) this week. I'll have some pics up soon enough.
[/quote] HEEYYYYY! I know i fucking post so you must think i'm boring! so fuck you fatty brain pants! i never liked you anyway! mutherfucker.[/quote] Oh yeah... I forgot you were from Fugly... I dont think you post on the days I look at my friends list. so calm down knee grow!