uve read it? crazy huh, how they kill that rabbit by suffacating it and forcing them selves down their throat. the craziest part is the more evolved ones that cover the people and eat the living like parasites. if they make a movie out of it they better not fuck it up like TimeLine. they screwed that movie up big time. hardly resembled the book at all.
Same with Jurasic park, the film is lame and tame compared to blood & guts in the book... But that's Hollywood for ya!
life of pi it's a great book.. I had to read it for 20th century lit... funny because it was published in like 02... or 01
I am almost finished with the Da Vinci Code, and i must say it is the mest book i have ever read. Religous people may not like it because it will demolish any idea of the catholic church u may have had. CRAZY SHIT! oh yeah, Prey is good, but i like Stephen King's The Stand better. the complete and uncut version.
The curious incident of the dog in the night-time. By Mark Haddon I know that most of you already know what it feels like to be a retarded teenager, but for the few of you who don't, I recommend reading this book. It's quite funny... Also it has no really big words, so those of you who take 'special reading lessons' shouldn't have a problem reading it. It took me only two days to read (my teacher was very proud of me).
wow! he sure did! i got it today. i think i'm going to have to plant little tiny wet kisses all over his body now!