I don't have it. I was thinking about some permanent flexible premium junk. Does anyone have it or know much about it? I was thinking about going through State Farm but since they are kind of dicks, I don't know. I have my home/auto through them, it just makes sense.
All my insurance is through work, AD&D and Life, Its very inexpensive, but I dont know how well it carries over after I retire.
I had all that at my old job but not now. I think my mortgage co offers it as well. I think everyone should have something. I'm just wondering what the best choice would be.
Phatboy has life insurance through playing Advanced Dungeons and Dragons? Dude.... its just a game. Pay for some with real money. Not gold pieces.
That wasnt the kind of ADD I had in high school, plus I scored, so that took me out of the 100 sided di' owners group....
Life insurance the most common motive for offing your hubby when they happen to annoy you one day. If I get it I ain't going to tell anybody about it.
That's why I want it. I don't think it's fair that I end up with a lot of money and he ends up with my mortgage.
My wife and I have cancer policies, too (for over 10 years). She actually used hers this year. The medical insurance covered almost everything but we got about $17,000 back from the policy. It's a fucked up way to make cash, but at least we can go to Disney World when she's up to it.
Whole life is a joke Term Life is the solution. Yes the rates can increase as you grow old. Save the difference as its much cheaper then whole at a younder age and invest it. In the end as your Ins. gets higher rate wise you have more of your own money anyways?