Lets try to fix this shitheap

Discussion in 'General Mayhem' started by Fugly, Dec 5, 2006.

  1. Fugly

    Fugly Administrator Staff Member Fugly Staff

  2. tommy710

    tommy710 Active Member

    I thought you was in charge????
    Hows about you do it your fucking self???
  3. tommy710

    tommy710 Active Member

  4. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    there are lots of forums having spammer problems... and they are persistent buggers... ip bans don't solve a thing.. neither does disabling .ru email registration (it did for a while)... nor does the confirmation code registration mod thingy...

    the only thing thats been any help is diligent moderators doing clean-ups..

    you have volunteers.. take them up... people love this place and want it to run smooth.. and would like new blood who isn't after selling them porn or holidays

    and when you find a working solution to these spambots... let me know... please

    i tried emailing the makers of the spam software thingy politely about removal from their lists btw and just got an automated reply
  5. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    ps you could just try making 'nobody' a usergroup... and add people.. saves having loads of names at the head of the forums
  6. tommy710

    tommy710 Active Member

    And how come theres no link on the site to the forums?????
    When i got back online i struggled finding it what the fucks all that about???
  7. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

    Maybe i can defend Jefe on this one -

    It is my ASSUMPTION that Jefe runs the Fugly website for the purpose of making enough money each month to fuel his Volkwagon, Pay his rent, and keep the 'fridge full of beer.

    The current advertisers out there who use sites like Fugly - movie clips, pictures, rate this pic, etc - have become quite selective with their advertising dollar, and competion for this revenue increases daily. One of the facts of internet advertising is that there are LOTS more advertisers out there that are setting standards for their business. One of these standards (for many) is that they do not want their names and products associated with pornography or adult content.

    Over the past two years I have noticed that Jefe has completely cleaned up all porn from his main site. Not even any "soft core" stuff can be found. At one time he used an "adult content" warning for images and clips that contained nudity. He now avoids that altogether, and I suspect his advertising revenue and customer base has increased.

    The forum on the main site was and remains a different animal. Anyone can create an account, log on, and post graphic porn at a moment's notice. It is virtually impossible to keep the forums within the guidelines of decency stipulated in most advertising contracts. Even a link on the main site that redirects to the forums is enough to offend some advertisers. The only soultion is to sever it from the site. The logo, now a full moon, is a marketable image. It had to be protected too.

    That said, does anyone ever wonder how Jefe manages to make any money off of this forum? It does cost money to keep it open, right? My ASSUMPTION is that he doesn't close this money sucking cesspool down because this collection of loser and misfits is near and dear to him. Give the guy a break. It would have been easier, and made more business sense, for this forum to just disappear. The fact that it is still operating shows that Jefe has a heart.

    My ASSUMPTION. Thanks for reading.
  8. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    Well said, Nanneh! Take a bow..

  9. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    Is it totally out of the question to be linked to the main page? Couldn't there be guidelines such as only links to anything involving porn or nudity be posted instead of actual pictures?
  10. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    (Or something)
  11. TheGrimJesus

    TheGrimJesus New Member

    you can doll it up all you want Jefe unless you have dedicated mods & admins and advertise the boards it will do no good for you to do anything.

    I mean you can't make a board and expect it to take care of itself. Look where that has got you.
  12. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    I've resigned myself to it closing now anyway. We can't expect you to keep it going just for our benefit. The idea makes me feel...kind of pathetic. Like your little pet cyber monkeys, or something. :|
  13. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member


    Pet Cyber Monkey. 8)


    Say it in your best sultry voice and PM me the .wav file Nursey. I have a idea that could make Jefe some money.

    Nice job on the photoshop BTW. That looks so much like my dead grandmother it's freaky. She had more of a mustache though.
  14. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    No, it only works when i have the husky flu voice. Anyway, my feelings have changed since last night, now that the wine has worn off, and i've now instructed my team of lawyers to immediately start the litigation process (for emotional distress) if he even considers closing the place. I'll have his crummy volkswagon for a garter. And we do benefit him. We benefit his soul. He should get a small colony of sea monkeys and pour them and their little familys down the toilet and see how that feels before he pulls the plug on us. That's maybe not the best idea, as sea-monkeys are a total pain in the arse, and not very endearing, actually. But we are the morons who helped build his glorious kingdom with our blood, shit and toilet talk, and if he ditches us now for the price of an extra hooker each month, he will be haunted by our ghosts forever. A microcosmic neocon, who, once his shining new empire is built, sheds the unnecessary 'mindless eaters' by unleashing the 4 hores of the apocalypse...'spam', 'lack of fresh meat', 'pustulants' (though the only one of those which stayed was Headee), and the one which he introduced first...'Barry'. I always thought the appearance of a bald, middle aged, right-wing christian American at Fugly had a bit of a creepy 'end times' vibe about it.
  15. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    But you never know, maybe a mysterious benefactor with fat juicy shares in other people's suffering might decide to slip Jeff a wad to help keep the place going. :|
  16. tommy710

    tommy710 Active Member

    That seems to me like the best idea im sure theres plenty of vounteers in here that could be trusted and willing to be mod why not ask for there help jefe im sure they'd be happy todo it rather than see this forum go the same way as the rest,for some strange reason we love the place.
  17. headee

    headee New Member

    as one of the 4 hores of the apocalypse, even i don't want to see this place die. as much as you guys all hate each other, you all HEART the hell out of each other. either that or you're just co-depedent on each other for amusement. whatever. you're all still pretty entertaining.
  18. Fugly

    Fugly Administrator Staff Member Fugly Staff

    I found a few things that should help the problem of spam. I will start to add them this afternoon and we'll see how that helps with all the spammers.

    Regarding the link from Fugly.com to here, what Barry said pretty much sums it up. I had to separate the two and it's just a name change for now. That doesn't mean it will always be that way, but for now it is. That also doesn't mean that this place will wither and die. If a place is interesting enough, people will come back and there are plenty of ways for people to get here in the first place, other than from one site or another.

    A lot of you are right and the only way to make this place "acceptable to the masses" might be to have strict moderation. I can't control this place and even if I could, that would ruin it. Most of you guys are here because nobody is in charge. Putting a moderator above everyone else would ruin things. That's what makes this place so beautiful, and such a fucking mess all at the same time. Everyone is on equal ground and nobody is there to step in if things get completely out of control, but ONLY if they get completely out of control. There has to be a way for everybody to be a collective nobody, if that makes any sense. I have a couple ideas about that too which I'll work on.

    PHPBB is free. Since you get what you pay for... yeah. PHPBB is free, so. It sucks. I'm not opposed to buying something new. Vbulletin and Invision Power Board are supposed to be the two best and I've done a little research into each but never managed to make a decision. It would be nice if everybody could take a couple minutes to check them out and say which they prefer or, if there is something else, mention it here as well.

    I think it would be better to have one where you can upload images so they're stored on the server. I notice that this place is full of broken images. If we would have had a system for them to be stored on the site, they'd all still be there.
  19. TheGrimJesus

    TheGrimJesus New Member

    If you give one of us the power to delete threads which you can do. I doubt anyone of us would be an asshole with the power. I doubt the others would care who got it. We don't think that way.
  20. tommy710

    tommy710 Active Member

    As long as its not me id like to be sensible,adult,mature and all grown up but im like hitler im power mad id start with the best intentions and then end up banning everyone give it nursey shes a bit of a cunt but in the nicest possible way.

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