Prostate Examination Simulator $1199.00 This Prostate Exam Simulator teaches every student to detect beginning stages of prostate cancer and increase chances of patient survival. Four separate prostate glands are supplied with the torso, representing one benign gland and three stages of prostatic carcinoma in varying degrees of development. Each gland can be inserted into the prostate torso to allow realistic rectal palpation. Life/formĀ®. Features Benign gland is slightly enlarged, but otherwise normal. A discrete, hard nodule is palpable in the upper right quadrant. Spreading carcinoma gland. The small nodule has increased in size and has become an external hard mass on the surface of the gland. A gland totally replaced with carcinoma. Hard carrying case Lubricant Cleaner Teaching guide Dimensions: 22" x 15" x 12" Weight: 35Lbs. He can name it something appropriate like "dad"
Awwww you guys have so much free time on your hands and live such sad secluded lives that you went out and found this for me. I am touched really. Either that or you already had a link that you had poured over for hours wondering whether or not to buy some lube. Don't bother, you wouldn't make gnats cunt stretch with those pathetic excuses.
So much free time? You trot around after Dweebo and answer his posts a minute afterthey are posted. Who as too much free time? Get out and get a fucking job you trailer trash on welfare.
He wont get a job...he thinks welfares a good deal...all the gov't cheese is too much for him. I can get you a job where I work..the bosses like to have someones nose in their ass,and the last brown noser quit from the constant harrasment...Im sure you'll feel right at home.
Well sorry for responding while sat at my PC eating dinner. Unlike Deebo who comes in at various times throughout the day, every day of the week. Who needs to get the fucking job now? You do the math
Button down that flapping upper lip of yours, goofy, before I staple it to the ceiling and watch you spin around like a fart-powered ceiling fan.
heres something interesting,did you know that the name 'Strangelybrown' translates as 'One whose sexual prowess lies in right wrist movement' in Cantonese!