lefty or righty

Discussion in 'General Mayhem' started by StaticP, May 19, 2002.

  1. StaticP

    StaticP New Member

    When you have a "pipe" and the carb is on the right hand side of the pipe we call that a right handed pipe because right handed people enjoy them more even though everyone i know uses the left hand to hold it in, and a left handed pipe has the carb on the left of the pipe. Is this how everyone else judges lefty righty? I also need some input on which type I should get. I prefer a left handed pipe (going by my outline of left and right above) but 9 out of 10 of my friends prefer a right handed. Im about to buy my own pipe and I'm stuck. Should i get a lefty and say screw everyone its my pipe, its my.. umm smoke(?) so smoke lefthanded or die! OR Should i keep with the spirit of everyone enjoying their smoke and go righty because its only marginally a pain in the ass for me to smoke right VS their pissing and moaning for smoking left.


    -- and IMC who i gotta kill to get some pipes down this way?
  2. ratatouille

    ratatouille New Member

    i think you shouldnt be thinking about drugs/paraphenalia at this time and should get your ass back in school. and get a lefty if you are getting one. oh, and a leather whip. and spiked collar. and some really tight shorts. then bring your ass over my way. and thats what I think.
  3. StaticP

    StaticP New Member

    HAHAHA my buddy has one like that its got like no gfx no definition just a tube with a slit in it for.. stuff and the carb on the end, god i hate that thing.
  4. Dwaine Scum

    Dwaine Scum New Member

    I can use a carb with my thumb or index finger, it dosent matter what dide the carb is on if you can think past a 12 year olds intelligence level. I can put carbs on eaither side though. I always thought it was funny hearing people whine abouth which side the carb was on. I had one cunt that always did that shit, I made her a pipe with a carb directly in the goddamed middle (front face) of the pipe, just to piss her off...
  5. Pukey

    Pukey New Member

    Be a non-conformist and roll a joint!
  6. tommy710

    tommy710 Active Member

    Be a non-conformist and roll a joint!

    damn right dude,shut the fuck up moaning and just buy one static fuck me i wouldnt like to see you make a real decision in life if this is how you act over a fucking pipe.
  7. Dwaine Scum

    Dwaine Scum New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Pukey:
    Be a non-conformist and roll a joint!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    no no, you mean be a broke ass nigger that can't afford a pipe, and roll a joint

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