Guy goes to a doctor and says he has a problem with sex. "I think my privates are too small." He says. The doctor asks him which drink he prefers. "Well, Lager," he replies, quite bemused. "Aaaahhh. There's your problem. It shrinks things, those Lagers. You should try drinking Guinness. That makes things grow." Two months later the chap returns to the doctor with a big smile on his face. He shakes the doctor by the hand and thanks him. "I take it you now drink Guinness?" asked the doc. "No", replies the man "but I've got the wife on Lager!"
When I moved the last time my uncle was driving in from out of town with the truck and was late and so all the help I had lined up was at work. So I went to a place I used to work and asked one of the Mexican's to send some help. When we finished I pointed out the beer in the fridge (12 hour drive it would have skunked on me). They were very excited over the Bud Lite (in bottles!!!) but didn't seem to know or want the Guinness. I hope the maintence man found it and enjoyed it (along with the stained king size mattress and broken dresser I left).