Kroger Pumpkin Pie

Discussion in 'Fizood' started by Nauseous, Dec 1, 2008.

  1. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    I am addicted to it and have been without it now since Friday and I am freaking out. They haven't been carrying it and I don't know what I am going to do. I bought a Mrs. Smith pie to try to get a fix but Mrs. Smith sucks and her pie tasted like shit so I threw it away.

    This is really like an addiction. I don't know if they order the pies from someplace or make them there, but I would pay triple the amount one costs right now.

    I need an intervention.

    Anyone else have a certain food that they are addicted to?

    My other addiction would be potatoes.
  2. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    I like the pumpkin pie. Can you make your own? Im sure all they use is the mix. I had a couple of really good slices thanksgiving with some whipped cream.

    I dont really crave a certain food unless I am trying to diet and I 'cant' have something.
  3. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    I don't know what mix they use. It's the best ever. It's not overly pumpkin-y and it's sweet and cinnamon-y.

    BIGMAMA New Member

    I prefer the sweat potato pie... my sister got an orange pie from Publix the other day... it was so nasty
    I get stuck on a food and will eat nothing but that food for a few days.
    I have done this with ...

    Clementine oranges - had major squirts
    lemons w/ salt - one time ate 2 dozen in a week - fucked up my teeth
    olives - ate 2 huge jars in 3 days
    Clausen kosher dill pickles- ate 4 jars in 3 days one time
    lime sherbet ice cream / ginger ale floats
    black beans/ rice/ mayo
    Fruity Pebbles
  5. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    I've never had sweat potato pie. I don't like the taste of sweat.

    I don't like sweet potatoes, so I would never try the pie.

    Orange pie? Hmm... I bought orange sweet rolls the other day and the icing reminded me of orange flavored barium and I couldn't get past it.

    I eat the same stuff everyday. I've eaten cooked carrots and a baked potato for dinner for about a month now.

    I'm boring. You eat some weird stuff.
  6. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    Sweet Potato pie cooked right will make you ask if it is pumpkin pie or not.

    Sweet Potatoes mixed with Cinnamon and butter, good stuff.
  7. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Sweet potato pie guy myself and yes it taste very similar to punkin pie. But I'll take either.

    Another think I rarely have but like is sweet potato fries. Ummmm. They don't need salt either which is odd.

    BIGMAMA New Member

    I tried for 3 years to copy a sweat potato souffle that I love from a cafeteria here called Piccadilly... anyway it never turned out right ... i tried several recipes and then after eating there for YEARS ... someone finally told me it was carrot souffle - and that was odd to me because I hate carrots....but damn my fat ass loves that carrot souffle

    FYI- it took forever for me to figure out how to spell "souffle" and still dont know if it is right.
  9. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    I love carrots. I ate them so much when I was a baby that I turned orange. Now I only like cooked ones. I have about 10 boxes of the Green Giant honey glazed steam carrots in the freezer.

    Joe, sweet potato fries? Do you eat them w/Heinz? Sounds kinda nasty.

    I am going to try Ore Ida Roasted Potatoes today. I hope they don't make me sick. They are supposed to be lightly seasoned with salt and cracked black pepper.
  10. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    I'm a name dropper, aren't I? Kroger, Heinz, Green Giant, Ore Ida. I should get commision.

    BIGMAMA New Member

    I would never eat carrots as a kid, my sister did- because my parents told her that not eating carrots was the reason i had a lazy eye. "You want to wear a patch over your eye like Rhonda... then you better eat those carrots"

    Also one time my dad came home with a huge crate of kiwis-like 4-5 dozen, I have no idea why ... told us they make your boobies grow. I liked them and ate a sister hated them and did not eat any... and we look almost identical - except I have big boobies and she has none. She always pokes my boobs and says "I should have ate those damn kiwis"

    Isnt it funny ...all the bullshit your parents told you growing up, or was it just my fucked up parents.
    I guess I am guilty as well. last week on vacation ...I pretended to get a call on my cell, and had fake serious chat with no one on the line -and told my son that it was cabin rental office warning us there was a child killer on the loose... hell it was the only way I could keep from wondering off while on tourist filled sidewalks/stores. He held onto the baby's stroller from then on out.

    damn I want some of that carrot souffle
  12. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    I am nearsighted as hell with astigmatism so I can attest that carrots don't do shit for your vision.

    I used to have one sided conversations when my nephew was little. He is 10 years younger than me and my parents raised him, so he is actually like a brother. Anyway, I don't know how it got started but when he was little he was really afraid of Aunt Jemima. He thought she was a real person so we made up stories about her and told him that we were going to send him to live with her when he was bad. I used to call her up on the phone to come get him and it worked for a while but as he got older, he became less and less scared of her. So one day when I was babysitting, he was acting up and I decided to take it further by actually making him think that I was taking him to her. I don't know it it's a boy thing or what, but he was always liked being half naked and usually just wore his underwear around the house, so this particular day wasn't any different. I told him he was going, he didn't believe me. I told him to get dressed, he wouldn't, so I went to his room to get some clothes and on the way, I passed the a bag with his baby clothes in it that we were giving away and I decided to dress him in baby clothes. He was about 4 or 5 at the time. The pants wouldn't fit so I put him in this tight as fuck baby shirt and that was it. I told him that he gets to take one toy with him and before he even gets a chance to react, I go to the kitchen and get a bread wrapper and give it to him. He's looking at it like "what the fuck?" and I take him outside barefoot wearing his baby shirt and underwear and at this point, I think he's starting to believe me. We get on my yamahopper which is like a bastard scooter and we start down the road. He's freaking out at this point and I take him home and he's good for most of the rest of the day.

    BIGMAMA New Member

    haha sounds like something I would do... My son was scared of Halloween masks- even if no one was wearing them. I would put one on the vaccume cleaner and set it by the door or stairs ... and he would not go near it. Worked better then the baby gate.
    I buy really ugly nerdy clothes at the thrift store and threaten my son with them..."IF YOU ARE NOT DRESSED IN 2 MINUTES>>> I WILL DRESS YOU!!!" God knows I would never send him to school wearing a badly hand painted Sponge Bob shirt, with puffy paint letters that say "Bradley" ... but it sure is fun to threaten it... I did the same thing to my brother growing up.

    I want to one day when school is out... go thru the drill and actually send him to the bus stop wearing a dorky outfit... and let him stand out there waiting for a bus that will not show up. That would make a cute family video...
    I dont understand how a 8 ..will be 9 in a few weeks - can be such a picky dresser. I am sure he is going to grow up and be a little name brand wearing gay comedian with stories about me being 90% of his material.

    My mom also told me that if you let a boy touch your titties ... she will know about it because I will grow underarm hair. Kinda funny because I never got pit hair till I was about 20...way after lots of titty touchin ... My pit hair never grows... I have probably shaved them like 20 times in my life.

    I am the queen of fake cell phone conversations ... and not just with my kid. I had a fake chat while standing at the tire store a few weeks ago- when I had the squealing sound fixed... "Oh ok- and that includes everything, alright I will there in a few minutes" then I told the guy NEVERMIND that the place down the road had the same tires, but was 80$ cheaper (-20 per tire)... so they knocked the price down 85$ woohoo. I was so scared someone was going to call me while I am having a fake conversation.

    JEEEZE I got way off topic again.... sorry - Damn ADD
  14. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    I like jumping subjects.

    I remember one time my mom and I were going to get the mail... When you live in the country, your mailbox is not near your house. In our case it was about a 1/4 mile away. Anyway, we were going to pick up pictures back before digital cameras, you know when you would mail them in and have them developed and they would mail them back... and on the way home she was looking at them and then handing them to me and I stopped on one of a picture of a little girl floating face down in a pool. I was like, "What is this?" And my mom said, "Ooooh, that's that little girl who drowned in the pool. They are sending these out as a message to children to wear life jackets and be careful while swimming." I was like, "That's terrible!" and she started laughing. It took me a minute to realize that she was being sarcastic and it was actually a picture that had been taken of me doing the "dead man's float" I used to love to do it and hadn't realized a picture had been taken. I should have recognized the stupid bathing suit, but I was like 8 or 9.

    BIGMAMA New Member

    I remember the old days of getting your pics in the mail box when I was little. I wonder what year started going to the drug/grocery stores to do it. What I liked doing to friends/family in the (drop off film - pick up next day_ days... was take their camera and take stupid pics... so they would be like WTF when they got them back... One time - when they first came out with the disposable cameras...I thought I broke it, but they were expensive back then so I did not want to throw it away... so I kept it in the bathroom. and for like a week took poop pics. Then let my mom drop them off and pick them up.. she was pissed and embarrassed. Weird thing is a few years ago, I was digging through junk know the ones not good enough for an album, but you dont throw away... and found the turd pics. I put them in my purse... thinking I could so something funny with them. I only did one thing with one- I put it in the wine menu at TGI Fridays... the little thing that stays on the table.

    But I had like 5 other turd pics, and never got around to a project... and I was at the mall and fell real bad in the parking lot. This old guy helped me, and gathered my purse contents and saw the pics. I said "What the hell is that- those are not mine" ... it was a clean lot and it was obvious they were mine. He thought it was funny and said "someone must be playing a joke on you and put them there" I did not go to the mall, I just left and threw them away- funny they stayed in for so many years...just to be thrown away. :( and never used for entertainment.

    speaking of pools.... My dad had "pet squid that eat skin" said whenever the pool was not in use he let them loose... to eat sunburned skin flakes in the water...and when we used the pool, he would call them and put them in filter hole. Kept me from venturing into the pool alone. Kinda smart, but always scared they would get out of that hole and eat me. I remember peeling my skin and saving it, to put it in the pool to feed them, so they would not get hungry and escape the holding cell while I was in there. I also remember us having like an all day cook out pool party, and I felt bad because the squid were locked up all day not eating. I just know I will have skin cancer... I was always burnt and peeling as a kid.
  16. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Well I just eat them plain no salt no nothing. It probably is an acquired taste. They really will be nasty if you cook them to long. And I only put ketchup on shitty fries. It used to be McDonalds had the best fries. For me now I think Wendys does.

    We got some Ore Ida Roasted Tater Tots that really were good. But I wonder what they were seasoned with. My guess was powdered onion and a little salt. maybe bacon flavoring. Next time I look at the bag I'll make note of all the side ingredients its no telling whats in those things.
  17. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    Jesus Christ that was one of the funniest things I have read in a while. I will have to think for a while about my life to try to come close to following that story.
  18. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    I guess the funny stuff would be from how paranoid I have always been. I think I told this before.

    My grandma lived in a duplex and I was convinced that her neighbor was a child molester. I thought that he had a camera in the bottom of her toilet and that he monitored it so when I went to the bathroom, he would look at my butt. I was about 6 at the time and I would try to hold it in when I would stay there so he couldn't look at my butt. I used to go in the bathroom and look down in the toilet and flip it off and say mean things down in the bowl to him. That was pretty high tech paranoia for 1985. This was before I realized that he could have been making videos and I honestly thought that all he did all day was sit around and watch the toilet cam and wait for me to go to the bathroom.
  19. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    That wasn't 1985, that was more like 1983.
  20. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    More recently...

    When I adopted one of my female dogs, I didn't get her spayed soon enough and she went into heat. I had never dealt with a heat before and bought her those flashy pants and dog pads, but they sucked, so I used my underwear on her and my pads. She had a bad habit of trying to eat them, or she would rip them out and I would find them. Somehow one got thrown into the outside trashcan and stuck to the bottom. I was wheeling the trashcan back toward the house and saw it there and instantly thought of the trash guy seeing it and thinking it was from me and that I was a dirty bitch for leaving it loose like that. I thought that he thought that I did it on purpose or something to gross him out and see if he would dispose of it. That pad stayed in the bottom of that trashcan forever. I always wanted to stop them and tell them it was my dogs, but I knew that would just make me look dirty and retarded.

    Speaking of trashmen, I told this guy one time when I first starting hanging out with him that I had to get up early the next day to make the trashmen coffee because I always brought them out coffee and doughnuts The dumbass actually believed me and was like "Really?" and I was like "Yeah and then I bring them inside and they take turns fucking me." That courtship didn't last very long. Some people can't take a joke.

    Oh and does anyone tip their trashmen? I always feel like I should around Xmas, but don't and feel badly.

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