dear barry, my significant other aka slutbag stresses me out so much that she makes me wanna kill her question is how can i dispose of the body in a way that will make me invisible to the law?
I second what Smurf said. All kidding aside don't get started in an investment of your life spent with someone you are not truly happy with. You dated found out you were incompatible now move on. Invest all your resources in finding real love. I have met really happy couples and it truly is a beautiful thing and worth the pursuit.
Then why are you with her? You never cease to set the bar lower for what stupidity is capable of. If she's a slutbag, that means she's sleeping with other guys and you're putting up with it. Grow a set of balls and leave her. Otherwise shut the fuck up.
Thank goodnes none of us take one-spam-poster seriously, because he seems to do stuff like this all the time. But if he WAS serious, I think something like that would push him over the edge and cause him to kill her. You wouldn't want that on your conscious, now would you?
Because I'm the designated crazy guy, yet the more you get to know me the less crazy I seem. Lady Ferine, you are a good person. I know it. Great things await you, but please remember what I'm trying to say: When the bad things start, remember to think good thoughts. Free your mind, reflect on your past and the things you think you may have done wrong, and see why all of those cannot be allowed to exist in a successful society. In heaven.
dear barry , make that 5 bodies instead of 1 body to dispose of.. cause after reading the responses in this thread only made me buy some more ammo .. thank you
You know spam, that killing is wrong. There is only right and wrong, and the distinction is not that hard to make. If you ever do kill anybody, you'll never be able to shake those thoughts, and they'll haunt you long after your dead.
u aRE Wrong smurf.. i am an arab.. i dont know right from wrong cause i have no conscience what so ever..ill kill my gf and not think twice of it .. when i was younger i was against women abuse but as the days went by my eyes started to open and finally i realized that women really do deserve a smashed cranium because theyre selfish manipulating narcissistic whining stress causing sacks of shit that i have ever had the pleasure of encountering ..from now on any girl that approaches me will get smacked for the sole reason of being female .. dunno why im like this maybe cause a katyusha rocket smashed into my head when i was born?
Sounds like someone has napoleon syndrome. That are a wee little noodle. Did she laugh when she first saw you naked? Dont worry spam, one day you will realize you are gay and then you will get an abusive boyfriend that will treat you 'right'.
I still say you should grow a set of balls or shut the fuck up. If you can't find a decent woman, maybe you should check your own baggage at the door. They're out there to be found. It's not their fault that you're a worthless prick and the only thing you can pick up is the trash that gets kicked out of Jersey.
2 times!!! No, they're out there to be had, it's just spammy is a bitch and won't pony up to the fact that he's afraid he can't find someone worthwhile, so he's staying with a woman who sleeps around on him.
Of course, but only because it pisses her off. Something about foul tempered women... I wonder what Freud would say?