/?p=916 The text: Host: One more quick question, president elect Obama's birthplace over in Kenya, is that going to be a national spot to go visit, where he was born? Kenyan Ambassador: It is already an attraction. His paternal grandmother is still alive. Host: But his birthplace, will they put up a marker there? Kenyan Ambassador: It will depend on the government. It is already well known. This is not Youtube or public opinion. It can be heard on the WRIF site.
Joe... I'm surprised you didn't get the memo. Obama will right every wrong ever put in place. In fact, I've heard from a trusted source that he will go back in time and undo the Holocaust. Kinda goes against his purported predilection, given his Socialist, Muslim beliefs... But who cares?!? He's our newly elected sovereign! All hail the new CPSU! This man will walk on water! He will HEAL THE SICK! This is a PROVEN FACT! Reference the following anthology! Obama is the Messiah! He gives HOLY WATER to those individuals planted in his audience: This is but a small example. Expect more to follow. As for now, a bottle of water is all it takes to placate the sheep. Yes, folks - I'm calling all of you out. Enjoy your placation.