Damn, rich man about to go to prison suddenly dies? Sounds fishy, I want to see a body. He probably used one of his trunks full of stolen Enron cash to get himself spirited off to some deserted island and get himself a death certificate and a room full of "witnesses." Know what I'm saaaayin?
I don't know what happened, but this death is just too convenient. Lay was friends with the most powerful men in the world and could have taken a lot of very powerful people with him if he wanted to make a plea bargain as the real depth of Enron's corruption has never been nor will be fully explored. And now as a result of his death, it will never be. Remember, Cliff Baxter The Vice Chairman who 'comitted suicide' just before he was to testify before the House, a couple of days AFTER he hired body guards? Yes, I realize that to say he was murdered or is still alive with a face lift and new ID is a stretch, but the idea has occurred to me more than once. Something just does not seem quite right
So I guess the news is that Cheato Lay is being cremated. HAHAHAHA! "Quick! Burn the evidence!!!" http://money.cnn.com/2006/07/07/news/newsmakers/enron_lay.reut/index.htm?cnn=yes What about Colin Powell winding up in the same hospital as Ken Lay? Fucking weird. http://www.allheadlinenews.com/articles/7004144534