...and you've GOT to know people who need this advice! Someone you know needs this advice. Pass it on.... Damn, but they're really stupid out there! Millions of uninformed Americans form opinions every single day about vital issues that affect all our lives. Sadly, they base their views on garbage they've collected from the mainstream news networks. No wonder everything is as screwed up as it is! Maybe the sheeple of America could learn something from this article. It's past the time for good manners... not when we're on the brink of another war in Iran that, once again, the masses know nothing about. You'll get the substance from the opening paragraphs...but you have to read it all to make a point to people you know who desperately need to be told that IF YOU GET YOUR NEWS FROM THE MAINSTREAM MEDIA then it's time to: JUST SHUT AND LISTEN! Enough! Just stop. You’ve had your say over and over and over. You’ve repeated yourself ad nauseam for years without making an iota of sense. You’ve accomplished nothing constructive, absolutely nothing. You’ve repeated the same nonsense over and over without knowing a single fact. So just cut it out. Now it’s time to close your mouth and open your ears. Just shut up and listen! All this time you’ve ignored people who know things you can’t even imagine. You’ve shut your eyes and your mind to people who have spent years gathering information and checking out their sources. You’ve dismissed people with skills and credentials you can’t even pronounce. And you’ve demeaned people with knowledge and experience you can’t even come close to. All this time you’ve refused to hear a single thing they’ve said. You’ve strutted around like an arrogant peacock, believing you knew more than they. You had no basis for what you claimed to know. You just decided it was true. What unadulterated stupidity. It’s time to stop being a total idiot. It’s time to just shut up and listen. ****** Read it all. The article covers the main areas of total ignorance and disinformation. Then get others to think about this.... it might help us all: http://tvnewslies.org/html/shut_up_and_listen.html
if i read a Ap news report tommrow, about man found dead, wearing tinfoil hat, and running a website about news conspiracies, dying from ingestation of bleach, Im blaming you Maj. *in pontious Piolt tones * I wash my hands*