Just saw war of the worlds

Discussion in 'Movies and Television' started by smurfslappa, Feb 18, 2006.

  1. smurfslappa

    smurfslappa New Member

    I hate Stephen Spielberg. There was this one part in the movie right after the lightning hit that particularly pissed me off. Tom Cruise is running through the streets, and that one guy from old school (You know the one that says "Yo come hit this shit right here" with the beer bong) and some fat white guy were talking about what was going on. Old school guy says "Man what do you think caused that?" and fat white guy says "I dunno man, the sun?" and old school says, "Man the sun doesn't cause lightning!"

    Hahaha, ol' smurf knows better and sees right through these Jew tricks. They're keeping people stupid, in subtle ways. I mean, why the hell would they go out of their way to throw that in there? Think of all this as the icing on one big ignorance cake they're trying to feed us before the end o' the world comes.
  2. smiles

    smiles New Member

    dude you are SOOOOOO right, they pretend like the sun isn't capable of awesome things, i've seen some pretty super duper awesome way old stuff in my time but none as awesome as sun-lightning...... like the sun lightening that created that giant martian vagina that the gods used to try to fuck when they'd come to this side of the galaxy to do awesome super neat suff
  3. smurfslappa

    smurfslappa New Member

    Just calling it like I sees it...
  4. smurfslappa

    smurfslappa New Member

    Damn you Spielbeeeeerg!!! Damn yooouuuuuuU!
  5. smiles

    smiles New Member

    dude once the totally awesome apocalypse come that we've done so much great ancient research on..... do you think we will meet each other in combat as two lone wolves hunting for whatever scarce resources there still are...... eliminating everyone else in our path with our totally awesome guns and ninja skills? which animal are you going to model yourself after? i was thinking a jaguar cuz i wanna climb trees and jump down on mofo's and bite them in the neck..... i would've said a vampire but we both know they went extinct with the last great super duper ancient awesome martian vagina god battle
  6. smurfslappa

    smurfslappa New Member

    Oh yeah, totally Mad Maxin it. I wouldn't really model myself as anything, but I wish I could be more like an octopus and have more arms that I can choke children, shoot parents, finger-bang little girls, steal food and ruin lives with.
  7. TheGrimJesus

    TheGrimJesus New Member

    I will kill you both and pick your bones clean.

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