now the damn thing got weak but it stalled over the Bahamas like its trying to regain its strength before hittin Florida,glad Im to drunk to worry bout it right now.
What the fuck is wrong with Hennessy? just cuz youre too much of a bitch to handle it,dont get mad at me HONKY
:roll: uhmmm, its for negroes? the bars here wont serve it to keep them out. I was born in a cross-fire hurricane And I howled at my ma in the driving rain But it's all right now, in fact, it's a gas! But it's all right now, I'm Jumpin' Jack Flash It's a gas! Gas! Gas! I was raised by a toothless, bearded hag I was schooled with a strap right across my back But it's all right now, in fact, it's a gas! But it's all right now, I'm Jumpin' Jack Flash It's a gas! Gas! Gas! I was drowned, I was washed up and left for dead I fell down to my feet and I saw they bled I frowned at the crumbs of a crust of bread I was crowned with a spike right thru my head But it's all right now, in fact, it's a gas! But it's all right now, I'm Jumpin' Jack Flash It's a gas! Gas! Gas! Jumpin' Jack Flash, it's a gas
the hurricane still hasnt made landfall yet but we're feelin the effects this is before we felt anything the following pics are the beginning of the storm the 1st 1 is the same pic as above,notice how the tress in the background are all leaning to the right
dude. you are so cool. winds are rocking my car back and forth as i drive through shields of rain singing. we are only floating here and soaring on waves of wind
it finally made landfall north of where Im at just made a mess,blew a few doors off sheds,nothing major this is just a small part of the golf course by my house 'cane mustve scared the shit out of the seagulls cuz the ENTIRE golf course is littered with gulls waiting out the storm
that fucker off the coast of Brazil is the next one it set records as the strongest hurricane at such a low lattitude its already a category 4 with winds at 130 mph,and its predicted to head towards FL. :roll:
na its just that your stench is wafting across the Atlantic it gets so bad when they get close to the US they avoid you Duck and cover Deebo.......