I hope this works right. http://www.pentagonstrike.co.uk/fla...tp://www.pentagonstrike.co.uk/flash.htm#Main>
Government Insider Says Bush Authorized 911 Attacks Keep in mind when reading this, that the man being interviewed is no two-bit internet conspiracy buff. Stanley Hilton was a senior advisor to Sen Bob Dole (R) and has personally known Rumsfeld and Wolfowitz for decades. This courageous man has risked his professional reputation, and possibly his life, to get this information out to people. The following is from his latest visit to Alex Jones' radio show.
Awww man, that's old news Phatty. Been there, seen that. It's good stuff though, and raises all the heavy points.
Haven't we been down this road before.....??????? I seem to remember that it ends right were the road turns off into a pasture filled with over fed bulls. Barry
If I had nothing but time on my hands maybe I'd make a web sight dedicated to ever so compelling conspiracy theories that people could read and believe because there boring sedated lives need some sort of stimulation. Here is a scenario. Keebler Elves are real! Just got to go find a pasture with a tree in it that looks like the one on the Keebler box. Take some pics. prove there are midgets living in the neighboring town. Suggest that the food company initially was serious about letting out that they learned there recipes from little elves but deemed it to unbelievable way back in the 70's when it all began. Now in a sinister twist they actually are suppressing the truth to prevent paying the elves their rightful fee. Blah blah blah
hey joe.... i got another one so there were these fruity bunch of people, that were all about ‘equality’ and ‘freedom’, let's call them "liberals" and one day they all decided "HEY LET'S GO RUIN AMERICA" so they all go in their hybrid cars( i don't know why, we all KNOW air pollution doesn't cause global warming) and they imbedded themselves into all facets of american culture and structure through begging, pleading, worming, squirming, and sob stories...... so now all we need to do is find examples of people who would rather compromise with lesser profit to promote good relations than fuck the other guy, take some pictures of them handing out condoms at gay pride parades, find gay people in Hollywood that are politically against the ruling party, tie them all together and call it..... A CONSPIRACY
Insightful, thought provoking, interesting. Consider weather your point of view is completely accurate. That statement was filled with sinicism and assumes that the conservative party is against equality and freedom. If you would like to debate facts about equality verses myth you do have mountains of propaganda to resort to hell you are in collage for Pete’s sake a veritable breeding ground for propaganda of that type. But I'll take you on.
They have a history dont they ! Not only in the states , but all over. Cons cheat more. The main fault of the left, is that they are naive. They dont believe people will cheat. Thats why a lot of socialism dont work. People arent trained to not cheat. The level of civic interaction is a function of our common cultural toilet training. Another field were USA scores low. As for murders. 3000 is about 30% of regular gunrelated deaths each year in USA. In britain 30% would be 20 people dead. You do not value lives the same way over there. I do not believe this Hilton-person exists. I have checked all over and there is no Stanley Hilton. And who would call their son after a non-existing hotell ? There is this Paris Hilton. She is a feisty fresh republican girl. Why dont you just wank off :?:
Take away the naivety, human nature, misrepresentation and corruption factor. And I'll be the first in line to pledge allegiance to the communist manifesto. ....... That will never happen though it's simply impossible.
Ok ! But the corruption-part is still more of a con-factor. Paris Hilton ! She has spent years now; trying to gain creds as pretty and witty. I think she dese3rves a facial cream in her honour. Or at least something anti-acne. Mmh: Paris by night. When the Seine is flowing and the cheese ripens.
Check the lates on Kyle Foggo. Corruption-charges. Its cool they search his place though. Shows somebody goes to work fro the honour of the republic and the vages of a public servant.
Paris Hilton I do not understand. She is not that hot really although neither was Madonna either was she? There you go commercialism at its best. Create a ridiculous frenzy of public perception and opinion mold it for maximum exploitation. Kyle Foggo now I say that’s good! It shows the system works... or at least gives that impression. I see the media is already connecting dots to put him as a conservative or tied with the conservative movement. You have to be careful though. If wide spread corruption exist and is allowed to go unchecked if your leaning are one way and then strictly enforced if you lean another. This should be looked at with a degree of suspicion.
She had all these rescources and it was quite easy to become a good product. But she cant sing, she cant act, she cant dance, her original toughts have not been released yet. ( We are holding our breath here ). She is not an artist and her spell is an empty. ( Blackmagic ) As opposed to culture and entertainment that gets people of their asses and inspire.... I passed a newsstand just now. The telenovelas are getting their lead ladies to drop more and more clothing. Telenovelas and porn seem to be in hot competition. Might as well do singalong to bollywoodproductions. I WANT CULTURE BACK. This babyfood they feed us leave us weak and simple. Freedom they call it. To listen to the same five fuckin lollytunes over and over.
Paris Hilton should be set on fire. Joe, have you ever read "Das Kapital" or "The Communist Manifesto"?
All the hotels. Not only the Hiltons should be set afire. ( Acording to the theoretical framework that set out to liberate the masses some hundred years ago. One could use the hulk for purposes both benign and joyfull :lol:
I must atmit I have not but I do not think I went to far out on a limb with that statement, I mean it's not very likely to happen is it?
None of you republicans ever have. Read what Marx was saying, then come and talk about government and capitalism. Until then you speak without knowing. You have a 50's Americana view of Communism, not what Marx intended at all.
Yes Dio ! That it. Communism was not what Marx envisioned. At least not the way it turned out. Problems seem to arize with these BIG PLANS and BIG TRUTHS........... One must realize the powerstructures and respect power. Those who dont, end up powerless and disillusioned. People are not like. Both culture and race makes us different from one another. RRRRRRRIIIINNNGGG !!!!!!!!!!!!! KA-BOOOOOOOOMMM!!!!!!!!!!