My concern is this: According to documentation (Lawrence Schiller, etc), JonBenet's cause of death was strangulation--or, to be more precise, the killer used a garrote ; tying what appeared to be a white colored twine around and around her neck. Now you tell me, how in the hell could such an act be an "accident" ? I'm just so sorry for this family. What a horrifying thing to endure and there ought to be an investigation into the complete negligence of the Boulder Police Department in investigating this terrible crime.
I appreciate those sentiments but my energies are more about wishing horrible shit on the creepy asshole that they extradited from Thailand.
Here's my thought on John Mark Carr: He's an already proven sex offender. He travels to Thailand to further his disgusting practices on children, as Thailand is known for their deplorable sex trade--especially with children-- and commits an act that he's caught at. Rather than face the Thai charges, and languish in a prison there, he admits to murdering an American child so that he may be extradited to the United States...I mean, my God, isn't it better to sit your flabby ass in a U.S. prison vs one over there? My belief is that he's a hoax. I hope I'm wrong. His claim that "it was an accident" doesn't corroborate this: Graphic pictures, please be advised
Um, I think Sammy may be on to something. It wasn't an accident unless little Jon Bennet was into Sadomasochism and/or Auto Asphyxiation. Unlikely for a six year old. The other possibility is that the little freak is telling the truth, and he "was there when she died." In other words, he showed up with one of his pervert friends (aka ass monkey) and the friend killed Ramsey. I hope that they flay him alive regardless. Barry
I do not think he will last very long at all. The guards will try to protect him (not because they want to just that it is procedure) but eventually someone will get to him. I would like to see some good quality studies in historic trends of this type of sick perversion. I'm sure there has always been that rotten apple in the barrel. But with all the easy access to any kind you name it perversion possible. Is society creating monsters? Like the Native Indian story I herd once that all people have two souls on is good and one evil. Eventually in the end if you feed and nurture one or the other the strongest will kill and devour the other.
Well, Joe, we do know that there has been serial murderers all down through the ages; to cite Roger L. Depue, retired chief of the F.B.I.'s Behavioural Science Unit that lead to the first serial profiling back in the 1970's, there has always been this type of evil...I'll use Jack the Ripper, as an example, as well as many other historical cases such as the man who, in the 12th century, confessed to the murder of over 800 young children...sure society plays an ongoing part, but I think it stems more from the onslaught of an evil that has always existed: Mr. Depue states in his most excellent book entilted, " Between Good and Evil" and I quote, "Evil is more than a vague notion. It is an entity that has reflexes and intuition, senses vulnerability, and changes its form to adapt to its surroundings. Those who do not believe the devil walks this earth have not seen the things I've seen." It is of note that Mr. Depue is also a founder of the Academy Group, an elite private-sector forensic group and was also, most notably, a member of the Missionaries of the Holy Apostles (which he became a member of AFTER he was retired). So, in essence, it is this classic struggle. " I believe that we are all players in an ongoing battle between good and evil, a battle that is both larger and more subtle than we often realize. What follows is a dispatch from the front lines of that war. It is the story of one man's travels through darkness and redemption, a testament to the belief that in the unending struggle between God and the devil, evil prevails in this world mostly when we, through apathy, fear, or indifference, allow it to..." --Between Good and Evil
You know this might sound odd, but did you see the pictures of this guy? Im not investigator, but if I had seen his picture, back in 96, I would have had to talk to him. He looks like a molester. Not that I think every small man, with glasses, bad hair, wearing khakis and a polo is a molester, but this guy looks like a perv. I think you are right as far as 'prison justice' goes. The same thing that happened to Dahmer, wouldnt be bad. I think they should choke him out about 10 times, and then as soon as he passes out untie him. So he can know the fear that little girl felt before she died. And remember it. Then let dwaine burn him with his torch. starting at the toes.
That face looks typical of the gay AIDS victims I have worked with. AIDS would be a fitting sentence if he is guilty.
Isnt that the look of a pediphile???? I mean damn. They need to stick a hot soldering iron into his eyeball.
Update on Karr Samantha's suspicions are looking pretty credible.
I cannot remember agreeing more with a post on Fugly Forums. Kudos that was very well said or quoted either way doesn't matter. Players and yet pawns at the same time it behooves us to know and identify when we are being played. This is where ignorance is not so bliss and one trait not mentioned but just as much a contributor although its was not for any of us always the case. I believe we are born with an internal compass that points us in the right direction. We know right and wrong. We are trained through immediate or anticipated gratification to ignore that compass till at some point we are no longer in tune with its existence. At that point we are susceptible to anyone’s logical suggestion as to what seems good and what seems evil. Some are worse than others.
For the record, I deleted the picture of JonBenet dead because I felt, somehow, that it was wrong to "host" what should be so private a thing...
Good move, probably a stupid question but I do not watch the tube much and the headlines right now are far to depressing for me. But what’s the guys reason for being in Thailand I was there spent time in Pataya and can tell you the culture is really different and I never asked to see any birth certificate but those chicks there at the clubs were some maybe half even 15 or under if I were to guess. I can see why that place is a haven for molesters.
I just wondered if he had made some sort of lame excuse or not. But yeah I know why the perv was their. If you know any Marines or Sailors just ask them. It is really quite shocking.
I's horrendous. Yes, from what I've read he was working, yet again, as a teacher; MSNBC had something about the Thai people being upset that his credentials weren't thoroughly checked.
Yea, the Tai have standards? What the fuck ever. I think sams theory about the better to be in US prison than Tai prison are coming to light. Either he is the sickest fuck out there, or he is full of shit trying to get out of thailand. Either way his fucking face needs to be beat in with a tack hammer and a bunch of small nails, maybe a finish nailing air gun, small enough not to kill, but painful enough to make him piss himself several times over. Then kill him with leeches, or roaches, or someother slow painful fucking death.