Maybe the cult of christianity with its unrealistic goals of human developement neccesitates the level of lingual ambiguity :lol: I am reading Wallersteins "Africa, the politics of independence". In its chapter; Hero and Party, the creation of the myth of the leader is explained very well. One feature of the leader is his populist base and his anti-intellectualism. This role seems to be important in human society. Myth is a creating factor in society. To a certain extent, one can demystify ones society, but the myth of pure reason. Unadulterated truth etc. Its just another myth
The conservatives have been talking about the media problem since before the war. So their goes that one out the window. Do you think honestly that the Insurgents pay no attention to the news media and reaction to the news?
Since nobody seems to be paying attention to your rhetoric from your Anti-American website. I might as well bring it into the limelight again for you think of it as a sympathy post. I'll give it to you in a nutshell Nursey, we live in a large country and have a military that is quite large also. I don't know the exact figures but just to take the Army alone you have ~500000 active with more than that in reserve duty. if you had just .01 percent of that group you would have 5000. You have been on the internet you see how it works just go and do a Google image search for what ever freakish weird shit you want to find and you will see enough people to give the impression that a far larger percentage of the population are freaks. The democrats know this and I can tell you what their strategy is and that is to exploit to the maximum extent the military freaks they can round up. The carrot lure will be notoriety, respect. Any war veteran who will step forward and denounce the Iraqi war will be catapulted to hero status immediately. The media? Well surprise surprise the media will follow the same pattern they always have and that is to expend the maximum amount of "believability" capital as permitted to assist the Dems in advancing propaganda against the war their by assisting the terrorists. What’s good for the terrorists is good for the Dems so long at Bush is in office and the Reps hold the house. To write a shitass cartoon predicting it is no rocket science. Neither does predicting that the Reps would say something about it make the truth any less convincing even for your types out who tout the same bullshit cause you hate our country just like the terrorists.
Are you attempting to engage Joe in rational political debate, I thougth all of us new better by now. It's like talking about the weather with Smurf, you just don't do it.
The cartoons are nice. Nice gold-age touch and all. Does not leave a lot of parlamentary room though. Again. The parralell to Afrika in the 1960s is striking. The strong leader and the transition to modernity. No matter how many camels Bush has hidden in the closet. Anyone that want to solve some of the puzzles of human behaviour, and create a future society to live in will have to talk to the a broad spectrum of people. The simplistic speach-modes desirable during election creates the political "strongman". I agree with yor critique, dear Nursey, but the strategy of non-communication is a looser strategy. War rethorics can be quite damaging in peacetime. Nursey ! For a utopian, you are a real pessimist. Rewrite your carthesian logic honey