Jobless claims rise by largest amount in 3 months

Discussion in 'More Serious Topics' started by Joeslogic, May 21, 2010.

  1. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    And the media works overtime to spin the story.

    First of all the government took a loan out for trillions of dollars and dumped it into the economy. And call the extra spending on bigger government "Economic Growth" Well then why don't I go take out a loan for a million dollars and call myself a millionaire?

    That was all for the history books to say that Obama turned an economy around. This is quite a stretch. Once the money is all spent and the debt due while at the same time revenue is down WAY DOWN and we are spending money faster than ever.

    This is making us not much better than Greece. In Greece the country is crashing they are begging for handouts and the stupid unions feel they are divinely entitled to not have to suffer any discomfort. 80 percent of the country is fucking retarded. And they are taking Europe down with them.

    I'll stop short of saying their taking America down because America could be isolated from this as a matter of fact America could gain from this but America is on the same suicidal path.

    Thanks Obama our genius Nobel laureate from ...... where was it he is from?

    Meanwhile the would flushes itself down a toilet of violence and chaos.
    Last edited: May 21, 2010

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