
Discussion in 'More Serious Topics' started by XerxesX, Feb 13, 2006.

  1. XerxesX

    XerxesX New Member

    Keep Your Jesus Off My Penis
    by Eric Schwartz

    Keep your Jesus off my penis,
    Keep your Bible off my balls,
    Keep your prayers from out my ears
    And your crosses off my walls!
    You can keep the Virgin Mother,
    And the resurrection too!
    Keep your Jesus off my penis,
    I’ll keep my penis offa you!

    Well I’m freakin sick and tired
    Of turning on the news
    And seeing the religious right’s
    Ungodly fight
    To take our right to choose.
    When to bear our children,
    Who to love and how,
    Education and protection
    If we’re just practicing for now!
    So W, look, obey a book
    If that’s what works for you;
    But I don’t tell you how to pray,
    So don’t you tell me how to screw!

    [chorus - Keep your Jesus off my penis…]

    So you’re screaming bloody murder
    About the Taliban regime
    Subjugatin women,
    And being too extreme;
    And basing legislation
    On some ancient holy book.
    Does that sound a bit familiar?
    Here’s a mirror, have a look!
    And as for the ten commandments,
    They need one more at least:
    “Thou shalt never cover up
    The acts of pervert priests!”
    Now how can they let that happen,
    Unless they just abhor us?
    Well, anyway, it adds
    Another layer to the chorus!

    [chorus - Keep your Jesus off my penis…]

    So you’ll execute a person,
    And protect a single cell;
    But mercy-kill the terminally ill
    And you’re going straight to hell!
    Well, I don’t know much about
    The word of God, Far be it from me,
    But I can tell you what it ain’t:
    Now I am not anti-Christian,
    Before you grab a rope.
    There’s beauty in religion
    And joy and love and hope,
    And we’re all looking for the answers
    To the collossal cosmic cause,
    But who the fuck are you
    To turn your views into my laws!?!

    It’s just believers in the bible
    That would have abortion banned.
    Anti-choice agnostics,
    I can count ‘em on one hand! [holds middle finger up]
    And as for killin’ babies,
    I have but one retort:
    If someone raped your daughter,
    George, you’d beg her to abort.
    And if some young girl from your church
    Shows up childless from some infection,
    You taught her what a horrid sin it was
    To use protection!

    Well some day you’ll face the pearly gates,
    And whatcha gonna say,
    When that long-haired Jewish peacenick
    Sends your ass the other way!?

    Keep your Jesus off my penis,
    Keep your Bible off my balls,
    Keep your prayers from out my ears
    And your crosses off my walls!
    Look, I’ve had it up to here
    With all the Biblophile disputes!!
    So keep your Jesus off my penis,
    At least that’s what I would do!
    Keep your Jesus off my penis,
    I’ll keep my penis offa you!
  2. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    And the Muhammed version?
  3. smurfslappa

    smurfslappa New Member

    kill them all,
    in the name of allah we shall whipe them all out,
    don't preach to me white man,
    you're leaders start wars for illegitimate reasons and then you don't give a damn because you still got beer and chips,

    That's all I've translated so far. You know it just doesn't sound right when you go from one language to another.
  4. diogenes

    diogenes New Member

    I thought this was going to be a gay religious pornography thread. Damn it.
  5. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Is that what the SOB's were saying? Man now I'm pissed!
  6. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

    Smurf, you seem a little more sane these days.

    New meds?

  7. chester grape

    chester grape New Member

    During a parliamentary debate about legalising the abortion drug RU486 here in Oz, a Greens senator wore the following T-shirt (attacking the current Health Minister, Tony Abbott):

  8. XerxesX

    XerxesX New Member

    Idf it aint Arabic it sure is vampiric, but what about the foetus ?

    Ha felmegyek Kolozsvבra
    Egyenest a fellegvבrba
    Ott lבtok sok urat lni
    Akikkel fogok ott lakni

    S rבm is nyomtak egy pבr יvet
    Szabadulnיk de nem lehet
    S irtam haza az anyבmnak
    Kldjצn pבrnבt rablבnyבnak

    S'el is jצtt az יdesanyבm
    Sirva-riva borult reבm
    Sirhatsz anyבm jaj szףval is
    Egy lבnyod volt rab lett az is

    By the time I get to Kolozsvבr
    They'll be waiting in the station
    Securitate officers with AK infatuation
    Black Dacias in the car park like skeletons in the woodshed
    All you get for Christmas is a bullet in the head
    Vatra Romaneasca has a war made just for you
    Magyar v Romanian and there's nothing left to do
    But get down to the town square
    It's not that far a drive
    It's Saturday night in Kozsvבr town
    And no one leaves alive

    Hogyha meg talבlok halni
    Ki fog engem elsiratni
    Elsirat az יdesanyבm
    Aki gondot viselt reבm

    Don't stare at me you mascalzones
    I recognise your faces
    We ain't going out on our knees
    We're going out like Szיkis
    A public execution, the whole neighborhood can watch
    I don't care, I'll buck ya down, it goes
    Ne nיzz reבm ne ne ne
    Mert nem vבgyok a fene
    Nem akarlak megenni
    Csak a szemed kivenni

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