Alright, so a long ass time ago that whole Mars/Venus thing happened and the planet got the shit zapped out of it. Well before Venus swung by Mars it also passed by the planet that is now the asteroid belt. It was much stronger at the time, and instead of just zapping the planet like Mars to get the electrons it needed it blew it up. But some made it off in time, and their encounters with our ancient ancestors is why there are so many paintings depicting UFO's around Christ. The Madonna with St. Giovanino Crucifixion. Moses Even better crucifixion, zoomed up on one of those flying things above Jesus' shoulder: Annunciantion Jesus' ship? Anyways, crazy things were going on back in the day. Better believe it. Here are some heiroglyphics from a temple in Abydos depicting a helicopter, a tank w/turret, a spaceship and a jet:
There is quite a lot of evidence to suggest otherwise GAS but I do understand its not at all cool to say that in a forum. I've never been much for the whole go along with the crowd take on things.
As you can tell Joe neither have I, but I still believe Jesus existed just because so many people back in the day said he did. Also, there's a lot of crazy shit going down so I needed to pick something to believe in fast. So I begun investigating all the crazy shit that was going down on our planet and modern history. Paintings illustrating UFO's, heiroglyphics depicting modern-day equipment, managed to convince me that indeed, crazy shit was going down. The Electric Universe theory and seeing all the stuff going on with Mars, Venus and the asteroid belt convinced me that the universe was electrified, and ancient legends describing great catastrophes helped me to understand what the hell was going on with our world. Reading into all the modern day conspiracies helped me to see where things were heading and how these modern men of wise were operating, if only slightly. I then combined the whole damn thing into some piled mess in my head that strangely makes sense. I can't really pinpoint the exact moment I went "OoOOHH!!!" but I'm sure it felt awesome.
The ancient flying wheel with spokes, on a coin: What some Dutch sailors saw a long time ago: An ancient figurine, with a man in a spacesuit for comparison:
Oh well, anyone who believes in Jesus has my back on this, as well as anyone who believes crazy shit was going on back in the day. You should probably get started on that book ASAP if you want to finish it before the Armageddon.
Either its that. The war between angels and devils, with demons and men as cannon-fodder, or its the cloaks and daggers that prepare pseudo-religious material for their wars of the mind, a.k.a history in the making/writing In both cases prayers, and adherence to scripture, will likely reduce the collateral damage. It is either a sidetrack, investigating crime and terror from a source deaply entrenched in the industrialised world, a source we dont dare to find, or its a spell against satanic forces. As pertaining Colombia the question could be, did some devil create that lightning, or did man-made machinery do it ? Happenstance aside. I have just read Ayn Rands "Atlas shrugged" , and I see that the same basic perception can exist in opposed camps. That would be one for the spiritual theory.
I was reading the "Necronomicon" not the latest humbug ( but culturally significant bogus ), when Colombia went down. A black cat whent over the road and I saw seven sparrows. Got me on a guilt-trip for a long time. I was under scrutiny from DIA ( i think( would have been their turf) ) because of some troop-build up in europe prior to the invasion of Iraq and they stumbled into my attempt at ocean-magic. It was the mediteranean and it pertained to the ongoing conflict between muslem and christian. However ! I am quite certain that the voices talking to me at night were of a mundane and physical sort. Sometimes they had spillover from other microphones, and after refusing reaction and pretending not to hear their hardly audible suggestions, they turned the damned thing UP and it reached through the wall clear as a fucking neighbour on a honeymoon. So ! When they hold elections in Mexico and the votes they need are the votes they get, ( Just like in Florida ), then I get a bit suspicious when a train runs at twice normal speed and kills 40 people at a station in Valencia named "Jesus". It isnt harder to programme a train-chaufeur than it is programming a Oswald. ( And believe you me, we are programmable, one can say no during session, but since one looses the concepts of right and wronmg that is hard , and anything agreed upon between the terapeut and the object will most likely stand. Just speaking from personal experience ). And if this is the power, then its nothing we can do, because as Smurf explains, they are the ones equipped to survive goetterdammerung. On the other hand. If it is that left hand of G-d called the fallen one, the tempter etc, then we are at the same place on the board. We just dont know whoose pawns we are. This mix between the real and the sureal seems to go pretty far back. Seems to. It is to early to let the neo-con-men of the hook just yet, they are under suspicion of having us on the hook. In that case they are gambling on us being hooked on life. Then Joe`s view is exactly the same only other side of the mirror. That is were the fallen one and an ancient war between thegreen and the grey comes to attention. Bohoo!!!!! :twisted:
Pitting brother against brother. Through misunderstandings and happenstance. One favorite of mine is that picture of BillGates and the chinese president and Bills leutenant. ( wasizname ). They are smiling conspiratorically and clutching their talons together like in prayer. ( It was taken when the prez of china landed on the westcoast , before continuing on to Washington. Thought this sounded a lot like what was going on, especially with the whole Jesus/Superman thing. I understand a couple Jews came up with Superman, and those Jews are up to something. Coincidence?
Believing in Jesus isn't what made me say that, this "I still believe Jesus existed just because so many people back in the day said he did." and this "Also, there's a lot of crazy shit going down so I needed to pick something to believe in fast. " did. So you believe in Jesus because alot of people back in the day said he existed? Let me tell you about things people used to believe back in the day, just a few though cause I could go on forever: The world is flat, black people are property, and drilling a hole in your head will cure you of a headache. Let's hear it for back in the day logic!! And I'm not one to debate that "there's alot of crazy shit going down", but's that's a reason to all of a sudden cling to a religion? That's jumping on the fucking bandwagon if I've ever seen it. And this coming from a guy who claims to not be going along with the crowd to boot. Grow a pair dude.
You're an idiot, I say a lot of dumb shit to get a rise out of people, or to just sound ignant. You also pick the shittiest examples of what people believed back in the day, because they also believed huge ass lightning bolts filled the damn sky (which I can imagine happening) and that crazy ass dragons stomped all over the place (which I can also imagine happening) and that crazy ass comets flew through the sky and wreaked all kinds of havoc (again, I believe it). I wasn't saying I was strictly Christian, anyways. There's a lot of crazy shit a lot of other religions got to say, too. Wise up or shut up, bitch. Either way you're gonna learn. Some more crazy shit just like what our ancient ancestors were talking about is coming along and it'll convince you if all my babbling doesn't.