jenns lame life.

Discussion in 'General Mayhem' started by jennismadd, Aug 10, 2004.

  1. jennismadd

    jennismadd New Member

    :shock: hello party people. i am new here like you give a rats ass. its late i cant sleep and i am looking for free midget porn.. instead i found you guys.
    i relize i am setting myself up for endless harrassment here and that this isnt exaclty the kind of place for serious subjects, but what the hell. i need opinions and you seem like an obnoxious, errrmm opinionated bunch.
    im 23 yrs old and have a 17 month old daughter. her father is a paranoid schizophrenic ( he hears evil voices. seriously ) who wont take his medication. so he smokes pot 24 hours a day to calm them... now this was ok with me untill we had my daughter. my parents were always locked in the bathroom getting high and i dont want her recollections to be the same. so i told him, no more pot. so he flips and blah blah blah im living with my mother for the past 2 months, who pops so many pills i cant believe she can get off the couch the 30 mins a day she actually does...
    so he moves to missouri a few weeks ago- which is 12 hours away frome everyone i know, and is begging me to come up there- i feel obligated for scarlets sake to try, because he claims to be stable on meds and yackety blah. however, if he should flip out i will be stranded.... and end up at one of your houses begging for cheetos. grrr. im sure ive bored you to tears now, im sorry. im just stressed, because i need away from my crack whore of a mother and i dont know if i should risk it or not. either way wont be good. will u adopt me? bleh. i think im going to chain smoke a few ciggs till my throat rots out. thank you for your shoulder, i needed it.
  2. Dwaine Scum

    Dwaine Scum New Member

    put kid in car, drive car in lake
  3. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    Don't go back to him because there is no way he's better now. Someone isn't going to be "cured" in a few months no matter how much meds they are on.

    I can't comment on the pot because I am mentally ill and smoke a lot of pot, but I don't think that is the real reason you two split. There's more to it than that... maybe it's because he's fucking CRAZY? :x

    The best thing you can do for your daughter is take care of her. You shouldn't have to take care of HIM and her.

    Save some money. Apply for HUD and get out on your own.

    That's my $0.02

    I fight with my boyfriend constantly and I am very fortunate that I haven't been knocked up yet, but I fear my luck is running out. :(
  4. StrangelyBrown

    StrangelyBrown Member

    Wow, you guys do have hearts..... i'm touched (well apart from when i am doing it myself anyway) :shock:
  5. smiles

    smiles New Member

    is your daughter hot??
  6. sickem

    sickem New Member

    Ditch the nut case. You and the kid are better of without such a mental defective in your lives even if he is the bio-dad. Twelve hours away from you is a good place for him to be. You made a mistake in hooking up with him in the first place. Cut your losses now.

    Meanwhile, use mom for all she's worth (sounds like not much) for shelter and maybe babysitting duty while you work & squirrel away as much $ as you can, as fast as you can. Keep your eye out for decent guys - ones who are self-supporting, won't beat you and don't outright object to the single-mother thing.
  7. Deebo57

    Deebo57 New Member

    good advice from everyone,but i feel i shouldve gotten paid to read that life story, do we look like a bunch of wannabe Dr.Phils?
  8. Dwaine Scum

    Dwaine Scum New Member

    Agreed... smiles was the only one with good advice too
  9. Dr.Roboto

    Dr.Roboto New Member

    Houston huh what a coincident. me too, wanna give me head? ill pay top dollar, 1 dollar for the first 20 minute and .6 cents for every one after that. oh yea welcome to
  10. Dwaine Scum

    Dwaine Scum New Member

    So thats where 10-10-220 got that idea?
  11. Deebo57

    Deebo57 New Member

    I love that welcome mat...
  12. jennismadd

    jennismadd New Member

    i need at least 5 bucks to make it worth my while.
  13. Deebo57

    Deebo57 New Member

    she can take the insults...WELCOME INDEED...and i got the 5 dollars and a fifth af henessy...holla
  14. jennismadd

    jennismadd New Member

    ill be there in half an hour with bells on.
  15. Dr.Roboto

    Dr.Roboto New Member

    5 and ill toss in a bottle of warming KY and some chechnian Hustlers.
  16. Deebo57

    Deebo57 New Member

    you honestly have a home here..just watch your step...
  17. jennismadd

    jennismadd New Member

    you guys have totally solved all my problems, now i know i can just sell my self to you warm caring bunch and support me and my kid. wow- o. halleluia, im saved. thank you thank you so much.
  18. Deebo57

    Deebo57 New Member

    what exactly did u do?! did u set him on fire?
    post some pics of the crazy mofo...
  19. jennismadd

    jennismadd New Member

    i didnt but i should...
    heres a super hot pic of my thunmb
  20. Deebo57

    Deebo57 New Member

    awesome..and for future refrence when you wanna post a pic on your post clicg the little black Img button right before the link and right after

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