IMC, that can't be her, i'd fuck the girl in that picture, and the guy, but not that dude with the glasses. He'd have to pay.
wouldn't you? You that guy is a heartbeat away from getting a shotgun, box of shells, and a fifth of Jack Daniels and giving his boss a piece of his mind MONDAY!!!
k, figuring that sentence out just gave me a two day headache. And're the before pic after he ate a banana before he drank milk after the wind was blowing before the poo!
Hey, Don't get down on David, he is trying really really hard to fit in here and appear cool to us. Being a pudgy, sort of mexican looking imbred walrus is not his fault, no one can control genetics.
and you actually look like your avatar....Im guessing youre the sort that dresses in army fatigues all the time huh,sorry camoflague only works outdoors buddy,you M*A*S*H reject
no, schmed looks more like a white version of "rog" from Whats happin'?. And I ussually see him running around the house in Spiderman PAjamas, when he isn't like glued to the television watching that stupid Ghost dad movie
no you cock, I seen a pic of him and from what I can remember he looks all srawny and IMC comfirmed it after he said he looked like a white version of that twig boy Rog from whats happenin
I swear rat, the first day that happens is the same day I break mom felchers rule about firing handguns in the house
That still dosn't change the fact that your "insults" (and I use that term loosely) are sophmoric at best. And the pic he is refering to is the Xmas thread from last year of me and the "x". Or the staff pic, but judgeing from that retarted "camo pants pnly work outside" comment I'm guessing the Xmas one. This one..