Its about time

Discussion in 'General Mayhem' started by Dwaine Scum, Jun 9, 2001.

  1. Dwaine Scum

    Dwaine Scum New Member

    Martin made all the content for memebers only.. I hope he does the same for the forums
  2. Topper

    Topper New Member

  3. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    A) we can revel in our sick sadistic humour without puritanical hypocritical ass-felchers getting offended...
    B) it keeps out the jew bitches who say this is their favourite site... blahblahblah.. but can't even cough up $3 a month!!... fuck em.. why should fugly cough up cash for bandwidth to entertain their sorry asses..
  4. Topper

    Topper New Member

    The UBB board was designed to keep a site alive.

    In more than a few cases they are more entertaining then the site itself.( No I don't mean here ).

    Are there any other sites that you have to pay for access for, apart from porn? I hope this is not a trend, as the chances of me ever getting a credit card in this or the next lifetime are way below zero.

    Maybe I could do a swap, a Fugly T-shirt for a 1995 Whitney Housten limited edition tou shirt,(purple with silver text), who's in?
  5. Fugly

    Fugly Administrator Staff Member Fugly Staff

    First us, now Goofball. Many more will follow. You'll see. It's an act of desperation, but it's all we can do. Ads don't pay, and that is/was our only source of revenue.

    The only people making any money on the internet are the little I.T. fucks you see driving around in their BMW roadsters, drinking Heinekins at the bars, and whining about how big of a hit their stock portfolio took during the dot-com-crash. Every time I see one of them I want to smash his fucking face in with a fucking hammer. I'll kill one of them one of these days. I mean it. This isn't the beer talking eithr. And when I do, i'll post pictures of his shattered skull in here for you all to see.

  6. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Fugly:
    Many more will follow. You'll see.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    MSN and Yahoo are gonna follow... they are threatening to go subscription.. the days of a freeride are numbered... it was never faesible to provide such a wealth of information for free... it was just great while it lasted..
    but think about it... you lot want it for free.. then moan about ads.. some people even use adwashers...
    you pay for newspapers don't you.. and TV etc..
    if it's entertainment you want.. you gotta pay for it.. it's a luxury... not a necessity...

    and fugly's been great at trying to keep the prices down.. finding out the best deals.. and giving people the opportunity to get a life membership while they have the chance... now comes the content.. you've already got the porn site included in the price (you mentioned porn sites charging topper.. most i see charge from $10-30 a month)
    ... and a multitude of new vids have been uploaded for you to download...

    and thats before all the new comminity stuff starts off....
    quit bitchin
  7. Topper

    Topper New Member

    I ain't fucking bitching stoephoer.

    I never could figure out how websites got their money from in the first place, seemed all a bit virtual or someit.

    Anyhows, I pm'ed you a link, Fugly, that I thought might help you in finding the best prices your end, and like a true fucking moron I'm fucked if I can find the 'check pm' button to see if you received it.

    The link I also posted in the ' Internet connection' thread.
  8. Disorder

    Disorder New Member

    I think the guy with credit card was right...

    What about the cheap ass fuckers like me and him?

    Let's face it were fucked. We're just gonna hafta take our warped minds and spread terror among the sad little "under 16's chat"
    Get kicked out quite a lot for using "bad" words like "ass" start going crazy and go out and kill people...

    No..wait...I do that already!!
  9. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    it wasn't a personal accusation of 'bitching' topper.. it's a general one.. 'cos there's been a lot of it lately, not necessarily by you.. you've been constructive in your criticism, which is appreciated more than "fuck you jews i wanna see for free!! WAAAHH".. i mentioned you in the post because you went on about porn sites charging.. and i just pointed out that fugly also has porn now..

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