It's about time for some Katrina hatred all over again.

Discussion in 'More Serious Topics' started by Joeslogic, Aug 21, 2006.

  1. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Let us see.
  2. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    r u hatin on spike lee?

  3. MAJ Havoc

    MAJ Havoc Active Member

    Spike Lee? Oliver Stone? Any similarities? Should we take this topic over to "Film School?"
  4. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    I seen the previews, I also seen the reports. The fact is Nagin is a fucking idiot. He fucked up. But Spike Lee aint gonna say that. Its always 'the mans' fault. Lets not mention that for some reason Florida gets its ass kicked by hurricanes on an annual basis, and you dont have all the havoc ghetto fuckin ass New Orleans had. Its just the truth. Not that Jeb Bush is a genius, but come on, the largest hurricane in recorded history of the Gulf of Mexico and there are school buses sitting in the parking lots while people 'cant' evacuate. Shut the fuck up. Get off your lazy ass and get the fuck out, or die. The gene pool needs cleaning.
  5. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    You take one of the most concentrated areas of liberalism of all the country. Democrats the ruling party on politics at the smallest level all the way up to state politics. You take a federal government that gave billions of dollars to the (liberal democrat dominated) state of Louisiana to engineer, design, reinforce. The levy system. Then let one of the worst hurricanes of the century hit just to the east and devastate Mississippi as well as Alabama. and three days later while the swollen Mississippi river was draining and its banks at the limit. The levy breaks and New Orleans is flooded. The federal government who is working with a huge job of trying to assist the citizens of Mississippi and Alabama that were hit. Make a record breaking effort to in tandem assist the millions of New Orleans residents while thousands of busses sit under water.

    And who's fault is it?

    Who's fault is it?

    Who's fault is it?

    Ask Spike Lee he and his willing accomplice which is the media in general will tell you George Bush, and here is the new and latest spin Condoleezza Rice.

    And I thought that given virtually free reign over a state the democrats would have turned the State of Louisiana and if not he whole state then certainly the New Orleans area into a peaceful, blissful, wonderful land of utopia.
  6. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Oh yeah I almost forgot one other point. While New Orleans is a liberal haven it couls also be said to be the city most influenced by the french in the U.S.

    Something to ponder. :wink:
  7. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    I like Star Jones that girl makes a lot of since she is very articulate and compelling in her critique of Spike Lees film. And she is black and worked her way of from the projects to a very successful career. If she were a liberal the media would be worshiping her. Instead no-one hardly knows her name.

  8. MAJ Havoc

    MAJ Havoc Active Member

    Star Parker - 1
    Spike Lee - 0
  9. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    Spike Lee and Michael never see them together, but they have similar powers.....hmmmmmmmm.

    "I like cats, killing them is wrong"


    "I like killing cats"

    Oh that is just what I said.
  10. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

    Now that is profound.

    I live about two hours from N.O, yet I have only been there twice. Once for a weekend in the French Quarter, and once for a Saints game.

    I will never go back.

    The French Quarter is the nastiest place I have ever seen. The problem is, they LIKE it like that. Voodoo and Witchcraft shops abound. Skanky Ho's on every corner. The place is an absolute cesspool. If a visitor to this country saw New Orleans, and thought that it was representative of America, they are sorely mistaken. I have the idea that NO is more like France, where skipping baths and a lack of dental hygiene are acceptable.

  11. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    So are you saying you left NO with more than a bad taste in your mouth?

  12. MAJ Havoc

    MAJ Havoc Active Member

    I thought she loved me :(

    I have never been as enchanted with N.O. as many of my friends are. But, even at my first visit in 1995, I was told that the city was below sea level and if there was ever a flood, N.O. would be screwed. No one wanted to believe it could actually happen.

    Although I do like the beignets at Cafe Du Monde, I never liked having to trod past the urine and vomit scented Rues of the French Quarter to get there.

    I am still sympathetic to those who lost their homes, wherever, they may have been, but I don't think that Bush purposely ignored their cries because he "doesn't care about black people" to quote Kanye West.
  13. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member


    Did you all know that after "Huricane Betsy" swamped NO in 1965 Lyndon Johnson .... Well here is a quote from the link.

  14. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    I think the main blame lays on the the officials of that city and their lack of attention. They were warned repeatedly that it was coming. They didnt do anything. Then they blame FEMA for not responding quick enough. If they had called beforehand and said, "Hey this thing is bad, and people arent leaving, we need help" then FEMA would have mobilized and been all over N.O. Unfrotunately naggin didnt understand the way it worked. His ignorance led to several deaths that could have possibly been prevented had he made the call. The state of Georgia has GEMA, I am guessing other states have similar management agencies, that notify the feds when they are going to be overwhelmed.

    Naygin, should be tried for murder, and being a racist idiot. Kanye West should be kicked out of the country for making such a dumb ass comment and Cynthia McKinney should be sent packing too. Sorry slight ven there.....
  15. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Oh as for not jumping on the opportunity to bring in federal troops.

    It is illegal for the power of the county to be used in situations that should be under the jurisdiction of local state government.

    Posse comitatus means “the power of the county”. It is a legal act and part of our countries heritage. It's where the old west phrase was coined posse where the sheriff would call upon able bodied men to handle a law enforcement situation.

    Read about it

    And picture this in your mind. Nagin and the governor have basically created a cluster fuck situation it would now take 12 hours to effectively evacuate the city and a hurricane hit is eminent within hours. The government sends in federal assistance while the hurricane is hitting real time while the emergency unfolding and it is apparent the levees are failing.

    1: Conspiracy stories go on for years that the federal government sent in operatives to take out the levies that would have otherwise been fine.

    2: News agencies report that Federal equipment actively blocked the evacuation of people from NO because GW doesn’t like blacks.

    3: News reporters scour footage of Federal transportation evacuating whites in comfortable bus seats then scour through thousands of frames for clips of black people being evacuated in a more uncomfortable means with expressions of agony and crying. Of course the types of resources are totally random and specific to the situation at hand. But how could a democrat reporter and media possibly bypass an opportunity to smear the President.

    4: A year later Spike Lee is doing a documentary about how GW fucked it all up in NO. For no reason cause Ray Nagin has it all under control and could have got to the busses had he not been blocked from doing so by a bunch of bumbling idiot federal troops. He then contrast that with Florida who did fine in similar scenarios except for the fact the Bush stayed out of the way. People like Smiley, Pimp, and Nursey are all over it posting on forums throughout the internet that GW conspired to wreak havoc on the poor NO black folk.

    5: There are internet movements sponsored by George Soros and Al Gore to bring up impeachment proceedings and wrongful death lawsuits against the administration.
  16. MAJ Havoc

    MAJ Havoc Active Member

    Unfortunately, even when people know a storm is coming, they refuse to leave. Every time there's a hurricane inbound here (Lower Alabama) and there are many, the local news crews interview some hard-headed beach comber who would rather lash himself to his property than heed evacuation mandates. After the storm, I and many of my National Guard bretheren are activated to, among many duties, go retrieve some of these stranded idiots. It's irritating that we have to spend time, effort, and money on people who won't comply when there are so many that are truly in need of assistance. My experiences prior to Katrina were small-scale by comparison. I don't know how anyone could have prepared for that disaster. I was on the ground on the MS Gulf Coast a week after Katrina and it was surreal. I can only imagine what N.O. mst have been like. Seeing a collection of pictures or video can't compare with being there and being immersed in the desctruction.

    What was this thread about again?
  17. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    Spike Lee and his 'it's bush's fault' 'documentary'
  18. MAJ Havoc

    MAJ Havoc Active Member

    Sometimes we put more effort into blaming someone for a problem than we do fixing it. After all, pointing a finger is easier than lending a hand.
  19. smurfslappa

    smurfslappa New Member

    But if it's an E.T. finger, then miracles can be worked!

  20. MAJ Havoc

    MAJ Havoc Active Member

    Would E.T. ever make it past third-base or would he seal his girl's slit shut after stinky-pinky?

    Points to ponder.

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