...is a misnomer and even an oxymoron. And the irony is, that it is the neocons themselves who have been using the term who are the ones who best fit the definitive analysis of the term 'fascist'. The Big Lie About 'Islamic Fascism'
Isn't it funny how in a debate when a socialist is backed into a corner the words Nazi or fascist comes up? Even though the Nazis were a socialist movement. Of course they keep repeating it. There are a lot of gullible idiots out there and to some extent it is true you can change history or facts by repeating the same mantra over and over and over and over. I guess to them when they are squirming and desperate backed into an ideological corner. Evoking the Fascist Nazi card is their version of the "Get out jail card". I think it’s sort of a self preservation technique just when everything seems to be going into a meltdown this makes them feel better. Even if only in their imagination sort of a placebo effect I suppose but hey it works for them.
Are you referring to me? What debate? Which corner? When? Where? But I agree that those damn hippies have cried wolf so much that when the real thing comes along, which actually fits the definitive analysis, it gets dismissed by those who don't pay attention to the facts but who cotton on to cliches, or 'repeat the same mantra over and over' (i.e. "those socialists are always pulling the fascist card! As if we believe that!") The thing is, i seriously doubt that even if i could prove to Joe in no uncertain terms that what i say is true, he'd alter his position one iota. He'd still make every allowance and rally behind them. Because he's really nothing more than a spiteful, small minded racist redneck who wants to hate someone or other. It probably helps him to live with himself or something.
Make up your mind Joe. Which is it? :roll: I think the futility is arguing with someone who has no concern for facts or consistency, who will twist anything and everything to suit themselves.
You see? You're tripping yourself up! You don't actually know what you think, do you!?!! Yet here YOU ARE making decisions about WHO should LIVE and who should DIE. Oh dear, silly silly silly BAD MAN, JOE!
I thought she did quite well holding her ground. Cannot blame her for feeling passionate in her views and she has apparently thought things out.