Is there an Irish doctors in the house?

Discussion in 'Jokes, Funny Stories and other Text.' started by Stranger, Feb 12, 2002.

  1. Stranger

    Stranger New Member

    Irish Medical Dictionary.

    Artery- The study of paintings
    Bacteria- Back door of a cafe
    Barium- What you do when a patient dies
    Bowel- One of the letters A, E, I, O or U
    Cat scan- Searching for pussy
    Cauterise- Making eye contact
    Coma- A punctuation mark
    Dilate- To live longer
    Enema- Not a friend
    Fester- Quicker
    Fibula- A small lie
    Hang nail- A picture hook
    Impotent- Distinguished, well know
    Labour pain- getting hurt at work
    Node- as aware of
    Outpatient- Fainting in the waiting room
    Pelvis- Cousin of Elvis
  2. Stranger

    Stranger New Member

    A man goes to the doctors complaining of terrible headaches. "Take all your clothes off and hop up on the bed" says the doc. Then he calls in a big black Labradore who walks over to the man and sniffs and licks him from head to toe. The dog barks once then walks out.
    "Nothing wrong with you" says the Doc."Go home and get some rest"
    "WTF?" says the patient "I want a second oppinion"
    The doctor whistles and a big black cat strutts in. It jumps up on the man and sniffs and licks him from head to toe, meows once and then leaves.
    "Yep" says the doc "Nothing wrong with you. Go home and get some rest"
    "Thats it" says the guy "I'm outa here"
    "That'll be $500 thanx" says the doc.
    "How the hell can you charge me $500 for that?"
    "$200 for the lab tests and $300 for the cat scann"
  3. GreenAppleSplatters

    GreenAppleSplatters New Member

    Where does an Irish family go on vacation?

    To a different bar.
  4. D

    D New Member

    two blokes are drinking in a bar. One says to the other - where you from?

    'Ireland - you?'
    Jeez, Im from Ireland too!' says the first fella. ' Lets have another round: to Ireland!'
    So they say cheers to Ireland and down there pints.
    'So what part of Ireland you from?... Im from Dublin' ask the first.
    'Your talkin shite - Im from Dublin too'
    So they both had anouther drink and toasted Ireland before downing them in one.
    'What school did you go to?' One asks the other.
    'St Mary's - I left in 1978' Came the reply
    ' Get outta here... Thats grand. So did I, thats unbelieveable'

    Another man comes into the bar and asks the barman whats going on.
    'Not much' he replies. 'But the O'malley twins are pissed again.'

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