Is the Great Tribulation coming?

Discussion in 'More Serious Topics' started by smurfslappa, Aug 23, 2005.

  1. smurfslappa

    smurfslappa New Member

    All the signs are pointing to it. The world has quickly been changing these past few years, and things are accelerating. Global warming is accelerating, the delicate ecosystems of the ocean's are collapsing, and all of these have been a crucial topic amongst many of the world's most powerful people. The media, as we all know it to be controlled by the wealthy, barely covers these topics. If they do, it's fleeting and never really covers the implications of the impending catastrophy. A meteor smashing into us would be sweet. That way everyone would be able to party until the end. Unfortunately, with the changes we're experiencing, a world that won't be able to support 6.5 billion people and very much in the near future, I see the beast government talked about in the bible rising against the people to defend the remaining natural resources. We're already set up for a depression, the best site with a comprehensive knowledge of it being Mark Watson's at . We constantly dismiss the ancient people's of the world as being primitive, unlearned, and sometimes barbaric. But it was some of these "primitive" tribes that survived the massive sunami that hit India and the region, along with the elephants and many other wild animals, while the people that lost touch with nature got washed away. Listen to the damn animals, they know what's going on Massive energy blasts that our NASA scientists claim they don't where they're coming from are hitting our atmosphere, causing erratic weather all over the world. Of course it's not spoken of because they wouldn't want to alarm the public of any threatening event heading our way, and of course the media doesn't cover any of it. And whoowee, martial law is headed our way. The Pentagon is talking about it, the laws have been passed. Don't bother writing your congressman about all this, because they don't give a damn what you think.
  2. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    don't forget the geese man
  3. Ferine

    Ferine New Member

    Is the Great tribulation coming? Every generation seems to think so. There are always things happening within history that are sign of the tribulation and there are always the few and the proud that stand on mountains and shout about how the end is nye. Well, the end has been coming ever since we were genetically engineered to mine this planet :roll:
    Where are you going to be smurfslappa when the great hand of God reaches down with his massive hoover and saves the wretched few?
  4. smurfslappa

    smurfslappa New Member

    true, every generation does have its doomsayers. But I think missing waves, riptides in areas that never experienced them before, bird flues killing off millions of them while the WHO tells us to brace for the worst, massive military movements worldwide, increased earthquake activity, an economic depression thats been set up, the sun kicking out a lot more flares and brightening up, and scientists crying out about the dying oceans and the ice caps melting and dumping all the cold water into the oceans currents slowing them down greatly, massive energy blasts hitting our planet, static discharges from the earth to the sun and the such, and a lot of prophecies being fulfilled lately is a little bit more convincing than the last generations "The youth are rebelling!" end time cry. Even if the tribulation doesn't take place, which it will and kick off this year i think, we'll still have to deal with changing climates, failing ecosystems, and the fact that our massive population of 6.5 billion was built in the confidence that this shit wouldn't take place so that there'd be food for everyone. Looks like we fucked up and had too many kids. Oh, and looks like we've decommisioned 2 of our decorated generals because they didn't like the fact that we were recruiting so many foreigners and nearly strictly training them in "riot and crowd control" techniques. That is, unless you believe General Byrnes was really decomissioned because he cheated on his wife and the other guy really wanted to retire right before all military leave is to be cancelled and talks of war with Iran are imminent. Martial law will come, people will get pissed and protest, our army will be overseas, the cities will suck, the foreign mercenaries won't give a damn about a fat, lazy americans but thank our founding fathers i'll have my AK. and once again the universe is electric bitches, comets aren't dirty snowballs. the earth is being shaken to it's knees just as it has before, only with many more people and everyone will want to go on some mass exodus to some better place, only we've populated this entire planet. Me thinks the rich and powerful and military minds alike wouldn't try to save all of our asses if this shit went down. That's just not possible. The warning signs are all there, but damnit no one wants to listen, they're either worried about abortion or stem cells or michael jackson's trial, or to the ones who consider themselves above that the palestinians and arguing why they should get the land. Going to Iraq wasn't about the oil, it was about starting a civil war. Oil to the north, oil to the south, dust bowl in the middle. Three parts of the country, three different tribes. Who gets the dustbowl? Our leaders aren't idiots, our true leaders anyways. That's how you stay in power, and the vast majority of people don't understand this giant earth game, or how you play it. And with us here in the US making the Israelis leave the Gaza Strip, a move seen as closing the doors on the coming Messiah, and talking about building a Casino on the land? Wow, you'd better believe there's going to be some pissed of people blowing some shit up. Israel is a small country in comparison to their neighbors, if all these Arab nations really cared for the landless palestinians, why not fork over some of their large territory. But once again, people look into the past and don't see the implications of such an event or the cascading turn of events it will cause, but rather look at the human rights issues involved and get into the whose-land-is-this-anyways line of thinking
  5. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

    Listen to Pimp. He is right about this.

    Canadian Geese in Daphne Alabama in August is a CERTAIN sign.

    Job 12:7 (King James Version)
    But ask now the beasts, and they shall teach thee; and the fowls of the air, and they shall tell thee:

    Right now they are telling me that GW Bush is the Anti-Christ, and also that they want to watch TV with me on Friday night.

    Surely the end is near.

  6. Robman97

    Robman97 Member

    Sweet me and the Anti-christ like the same college team. At least we will have something to talk about in hell.
  7. smurfslappa

    smurfslappa New Member

    Bush isn't the antichrist. The antichrist is a charismatic man who will decieve the world into believing he's A-OK. Also, he'll win victory after victory on the battlefield and in politics. Something Bush is failing to do, as he's let it been known that he's an ass. Maybe he'll be Chinese? they're doing a great job of getting all the third world countries to side with them, as well as having amassed large amounts of mineral wealth The only thing the middle easteners will accept in exchange for their oil after the collapse of paper currency. The bible never specified what nationality the anti-christ would be. Of course, he's probably remaining behind the scenes, unnoticed, so that when all these problems arise, he won't be associated with them. But those who know what's going on will recognize him. Just remember, never take the chip, and when things get hairy, try to stash out with a relative out in the country. Of course, it won't matter in the long run anyways, as the tribulation is going to be the worst thing man ever has or ever will encounter, and some country home won't stop it. As for me, I'm going out in a blaze of glory, no chip.
  8. smurfslappa

    smurfslappa New Member

    Oh and, the geese aren't the worst of it. Like i said, the millions of dead fish washing up on our shores, some blob hitting our shores pretty damn hard , the strange fish parade that i posted the link to in my first post, and the awesome massive crack that just opened up in the earth in texas . But don't expect to be hearing much about this on the news. Like i've said before, if something big was coming our way that would mean millions if not billions biting it, they wouldn't let us know. Most americans don't even know about these things, and those that do barely understand that these events don't stand alone, but rather are part of a much larger catastrophic force currently engaging our earth. As all of the earth's older people know and have known for thousands of years is that these warnings have been imparted to us for our protection and survival. So why don't we as Americans recognize these events anymore? Probably because we're the craziest nation on the earth Our view of the world is ingrained in us through our military leaders, our religious institutions, our educational and scientific institutions, and then reinforced on hourly basis by our massive propaganda media organs. We have millions of citizens who take prescription drugs, whose bodies hardly metabolize most of it, and then pass it on into our water system so that we can drink it the very next day, even if we don't take them. I forgot who said it, but in a democracy we get what our stupid neighbor deserves, and we have a lot of stupid neighbors.
  9. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

    Smurf - take your Zyprexa. Really.

    People like you are the reason non-believers scoff at Christianity.

    The geese in my yard are there because we are in the Southern migration flyway. The developer just built a nice new lake right behind my house, and they hydroseeded the area.
    Water + Tasty New Grass = Geese

    I believe that God is real. I just don't believe that a real and powerful God needs to use freaky mysterious signs to communicate with people. All the "signs" you point to mean nothing.

    I can't believe that you think I am serious about the Geese. Oh wait, yes I can. I used to go to Church with a few hundred just like you.

  10. smurfslappa

    smurfslappa New Member

    Alright then, whatever. All is well, our economy is doing great, or bad, but not fixing to crash whatsoever, and everything will be tomorrow as it was today. follow that line of thinking until the shit hits the fan.
  11. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

    How about the "signs" in 1939-44?
    Wars and rumors of wars.
    A charismatic leader trying to rule the world.
    Millions of Jews killed.
    Earthquakes in diverse places. (Jan. 24,1939 Chile: earthquake razed 50,000 sq mi; about 30,000 killed. Dec. 27, 1939 northern Turkey: severe quakes destroyed city of Erzingan; about 100,000 casualties)
    Two cities destoyed with nuclear weapons.
    False Prophets and false religios. And on and on.

    The "signs" will always be there. They were there in 70AD when Tiberias destroyed the temple in Jerusalem, and they are here today.

    Believe it or not, I am a Christian. I am a STRONG Christian, but I am so sick of the "sky is falling" tribulation is coming, doom, gloom, and hell's fires crowd that calls themselves "saved." They are so wrapped up in fear based religion that they completely miss the whole point of the gospel which is this - Jesus came and died to SAVE sinners, not destroy them. Every doomsday Christian I know misses the message of Grace, Forgiveness, Mercy, Love and Hope. They are too busy preaching of impending death to say anything about the present offer of eternal life.

    Jesus died so that you might live. Sure, judgement will come one day to those who reject his free offer, But the point is this - the great commision is to preach the GOOD NEWS, not the coming Apocolypse. No one gets to know the love of God because of a ranting lunatic talking about Armageddon.

    Wheres the Blood, brother?

  12. Dwaine Scum

    Dwaine Scum New Member


    I say you should sell everything you own, purchase a 12 guage shotgun and MRE's... Ill help, Ill give you $20 for your television
  13. smurfslappa

    smurfslappa New Member

    Classic. They got everyone all hyped up about Y2K, nothing happened, and so everyone thinks all the fuss the few, informed people are making is just bullshit. You have to pay attention and read between the lines, dammit. There is something in the works. Our earth's climate is heavily regulated by the electric forces of our sun and solar system, and while whatever is causing these massive fluctuations is being debated, their effects are plainly there for people to see. Just the other day Indonesia suffered a major blackout because of one such discharge from the earth to the sun and shortly thereafter, out of nowhere a planetsize sunspot grew on the surface of the sun and fired two massive solar flares in our direction and view august 21st. Yeah, tell me that's a coincidence. The ancients weren't stupid. And i wonder about the Mayans, who said that they couldn't see past the year 2012, as it was the beginning of a new age. add 7 years of tribulation to 2005 and TaDa! you got 2012. maybe i'm just being silly. Climate collapse is the pentagon's worst fear, however. Good thing they got tens of thousands of foreign mercenaries, i mean NORTHCOM troops, over here trained almost exclusively in riot and crowd control. With one of our top brass generals being decommisioned for having an affair, and another "retiring", and foreign countries saying we got something big planned, how can you say something isn't up? I'm sure these generals were more than a little suspicious of the foreigners that are stationed here and tried to do something, but were smacked down. The fact that our media isn't reporting on it would lead one to believe that we were meant to be left out of the loop? But oh well. To us the American people there remains the fact that many of us will be murdered by those we depend on and trust to keep us secure, our military leaders. And how utterly shocked you all will be when in facing these foreign mercenaries, you won't be met with the faces of your friends and neighbors, but instead by ruthless paid mercenaries that not only do not know our laws and customs, they will not even care.
  14. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

    Welcome Slappa, aka "The ApocoNurse."

    The wonderful thing about delusional people is that ANYTHING you say is twisted to support their delusion. The delusion never changes, that facts are simply skewed to fit.

    I love crazy people. They make life so rich and diverse.

    Tell me more Slappa. I have a whole evening with nothing in TV.

  15. smurfslappa

    smurfslappa New Member

    I'm not delusional, you're just really cognitively dissonant. You can't escape your the view of the world that's been impressioned upon you by your news, MTV, magazines, schools or any other number of devices used by "the man" that many of those in the 60's tried to rise up against but failed with the big influx of drugs that smacked them down. Don't laugh, the Chinese even wrote a book about it. Adhering to Sun Tzu's philosophies and knowing that they wouldn't be able to beat us on our own terms, they decided to start flooding our black markets with good cheap drugs, like China White, and began undermining our economic foundation. With the way our economy is set up for failure read the shit, don't just dismiss it like "you can't trust everything you read on the internet." because no shit you can't. I'm not stupid nor am I easily convinced, and I'm sure you're not either. But I'm sure the powers that be wouldn't just let something like that happen, because they're not stupid, and they stay out of the spotlight. So I can recognize that something is up, and we're not included. What would the billions of people worldwide try to do if they realize that there just isn't enough food for them all? Go crazy and try to get some. And what would you do if you were in a position of power and saw this coming? The bible likened the end time government to a beast, which is exactly how i see them acting during the quickly approaching crisis.
  16. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

    What must I do to be saved from this terrible day that is approaching?

  17. Ferine

    Ferine New Member

    Apparently reading Mark Watsons site is key to your salvation.
  18. smurfslappa

    smurfslappa New Member

    HAHAHA... funny. Well i guess everyone who writes on the forums of fugly already knows where we're headed.
  19. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

    I really am clueless. Tell me more.

  20. JEFE

    JEFE New Member

    Me too. Seriously, tell us more. This is some crazy shit.

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