I'm posting from mine right now... Just got it. Seriously this is the coolest thing I've ever owned. Anybody else got one? There's a few minor drawbacks but all in all I love this damn thing.
I played with one in Seattle a couple weeks ago but I don't have one yet. I really want one though. Seriously, they are about the coolest thing I have seen, techno-wise. If Lomo ever gets off of his Squirter maybe he will chime in.
Where did you get it? I know you're in MD too. I priced them and they are close to 500 bucks.. Did you actually pay that?
Yeah it's retarded to get one now. Gen 2 is coming in January, twice as much storage, faster CPU, all the bugs worked out, and a hundred dollars cheaper. The first gen is for rich people, or stupid people who are mesmerized by shiny things, and type dumb shit like "GUFAW" in forums in their retard clique. I wonder what happened to The "2 tard crew?" Headee was the Luke or the 2 Tard Crew. well Headee was actually the only one of them that is tolerable. The rest of them are really stupid taint sores. Oh and Headee gives great Cyber sex, although she never gave me a phone bone
iPhones have security backdoors to spy on what you do, well done, you've become part of the surveilence society. I hope you like all your activities monitored.
Anyway... moving past Paki loads and all... Does anyone have links to info on the Generation 2 version? And what's with the iPhone Micro you're talking about? I've never heard of that.
Some Gen 2 info http://www.engadget.com/2007/07/17/second-generation-iphone-for-249-in-september/ They have went with Iphone Mini now... This is a concept of it.
I've got a Sony Ericsson W610i, its awesome. only 1gb of storage but comes on swapable sandisk cards meaning i can just put in another with a bunch of different stuff on. That along with PC USB link means I can copy any mp3 and even convert videos to watch on it too. http://www.sonyericsson.com/spg.jsp?cc=us&lc=en&ver=4000&template=pip1&pid=10747&zone=pp It works as an iPod for me, but I'm never forced to buy anything from iTunes.
I can do that with my Razr V3 now. 1 Gb minisandisks, USB to Phone plus I have Motorola tools so I can make anything I want for it.
Motorola tools are for tools that use motorolas. I just got rid of my Q and got the new BlackBerry. Im stuck with Verizon through work, so the pearl is out of the question, but I like the one I got now. Uses micro-SD cards, with a 1gb in it now. It works like a MSD when connected USB to a PC, makes copying files very easy, video and audio playback are pretty high quality. Battery life is a bit off, but I have been charging it a little out of sync. Takes about 30-40 minutes for a full charge on the AC charger.
My squirter's pissed at me right now because I accidentally locked her out of the house a couple nights ago and she had to drive across town at 6 AM to her house to sleep. So... Allow me to chime in! Dwayne pretty much took the words out of my mouth in his first post. I never like to buy something when it's in it's first incarnation, as they usually have inherent problems that usually get fixed in later incarnations. Granted, this isn't a Sony product, but it's still a likelihood. Plus, the idea of spending 5-6 bills on an mp3 player with only 4-8 gigs of storage (that happens to make phone calls as well) seems a bit much for me. I will give it credit, in that it's a marvelous device, but future incarnations will be much better (with more storage), and cost much less. Imagine the frustration a consumer encountered when they bought a Gen 1 ipod for $300+ when they came out with the subsequent versions with the extra "docking connector." All the really cool accessories that helped to fuel the ipod's success don't work with the first gen models (if they do, it's with limited functionality, and extra wires/power sources). I happen to have a gen 1 ipod (10 gig), which I got through work when they were still for sale - but I don't harbor any resentment because it only cost me $2.50. (It was an complete unopened display unit, and whomever had it sent to them decided to donate the whole thing, instead of take the screws out of the plexiglass display and use the unit themselves.) As far as hands-on experience, I can only cite my use of the store display model. Yeah, it's cool, and I know myself to be such a gadget-freak that if I used one for any longer period, I'd rush out and buy one for myself. As I said before, it's a great piece of hardware, but I'm an experienced enough shopper to know that I should wait and see what the next gen model offers to make a final decision. Oh, that... and I HATE iTunes. It's a shitty program, has a horrible interface, and get this - they actually want you to BUY music! Granted, there are third-party programs out there that let you use your ipod without going through apple's shitty program, but I've always liked a device that lets you plug the damn thing into any computer and view/copy/paste contents directly (as if it were any other portable storage device). That's my $0.02 worth.
That thing looks like you'd get face grease all over it. I can't stand that. And it's so flat and small. I like the flip phones. I can't stand feeling like I am talking into my hand. I like my phone: