I bought two of these, two months ago, one for me, one for a friend of mine ( I owed her something for some favors) and wow these are pretty cool. We have the Ipod Touch and even though it does everything the Iphone can do minus calls, its pretty neat. I was looking into getting a cheap Touch imitator, but the Apps in the App store rock. I can wake up without checking out the NY Times or USA Today and a whole lotta other Apps wile I wait for stuff when I dont have my laptop handy. Pretty coool, I also downloaded the Skype App, so now I can actually call people with Skype, and its free. Anyways, just thought I'd share my two cents on how cool it is.
I did not know hookers accepted Iphones as payment for multiple "Favors". well then again http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zZZEHoh8kzw
A Maury show that wasn't a "Who Your Baby Daddy?" show? Unbelievable. I used to have a huge crush on Maury when I was like 9 and he was on 'A Current Affair' I think he always closed with, "Until next time America."