Info. Dominance: The Philosophy of Total Propaganda Control?

Discussion in 'More Serious Topics' started by Nursey, Dec 29, 2004.

  1. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    It's about time i started a topic specifically for this subject!
    Now if you're not interested in reading a large passage of pasted information, skip this post. Don't nag me about it as i'm not going to do a university degree on the subject in order to rewrite it in my own words for your benefit. :roll:
    But if you are really interested in understanding what's going on in the world, i urge you to read. Reality is stranger - and more interesting - than fiction.

    Are Independent Journalists Being 'Executed' By the Bush Administration?

    "The number of casualties among independent journalists in Iraq is higher, percent-wise than ANY OTHER GROUP in the war zone.

    Since the war started, a total of at least half a dozen journalists have been killed - an outrageously high percentage of casualties - the highest for any single group of people in the war zone, from the civilian support personnel to the soldiers themselves. It seems way, way beyond coincidence that most of the fallen journalists are non-embedded writers dedicated to telling the truth. The latest death is British reporter (Channel 4, ITN) Gaby Rado, covering the action in Northern Iraq. Rado died under mysterious circumstances in a "fall" from a hotel roof. Not long before, fellow ITN journalist Terry Lloyd was killed in Iraq by 'friendly fire' from Allied forces. Lloyd was one of the "unilateral" reporters, travelling freely around the war zone, as opposed to being "embedded."

    U.S. threatens to eliminate independant journalists

  2. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    US black propaganda operations from 9-11 to Iraq

    A comprehensive overview of CIA - MI6 -Mossad black propaganda operations masquerading as "Islamic terrosim" from 9-11 to the Margaret Hassan kidnapping in Iraq.

    November 20, 2004—The pattern has been consistent and obvious. Every news report or scandal that has been detrimental to the Bush/Anglo-American war agenda has been followed, within hours, with shocking executions (real and staged) that are attributed to "terrorist insurgents," despite questionable circumstances, non-verifiable evidence and unreliable sources, such as "unnamed" intelligence and military officials.

    The parties responsible for these acts have not and likely will not be identified, thanks in large part to deliberate US/Pentagon blackouts of reporting from war zones, and disinformation-laden and Bush-controlled corporate media.

    What is clear, regardless of the identities of the perpetrators, is that the results have exclusively benefited the US/Bush administration war machine, while completely undermining the political and public relations objectives of anti-US/anti-occupation opposition movements and groups. The methods used in the kidnapping and murder of Margaret Hassan, Nick Berg and others neatly fit the profile of classic western intelligence and counterinsurgency operations.

    See link above for full article.
  3. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    Neocons Use CNN to Continue Psyops Against American Muslims
    Sunday December 25th 2005

    CNN tells us about a “covert” FBI snoop program to check “suspicious radiation levels outside more than 100 predominantly Muslim-related sites in the greater Washington, D.C., area, as well as various sites in other cities,” thus providing more anti-Muslim fodder for the undiscerning American public. “It is a waste of time, it is a waste of resources and it is causing us to be concerned about our citizenship, our constitutional rights,” Nihad Awad, executive director of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, told CNN.

    Mr. Awad, however, is missing the point—the Straussian neocons don’t give a whit about the constitutional rights of Arabs in America and this “covert” program, obviously a “waste of time” that will turn up nothing, is not designed to protect us from dirty bombs but rather to further stigmatize Muslims as crazed terrorists. Snooping on “more than 100 predominantly Muslim-related sites” is intended to send a strong message—you can’t trust Muslims and you may be in danger if you live near a mosque.

    It should be noted that CNN is a branch of the 4th Army PSYOPS group staffed the National Security Council’s Office of Public Diplomacy (OPD), “a shadowy government propaganda agency that planted stories in the U.S. media supporting the Reagan Administration’s Central America policies,” as Fairness & Accuracy in Reporting revealed way back in 2000. OPD is a “vast psychological warfare operation of the kind the military conducts to influence a population in enemy territory,” according to Miami Herald. Although we are assured OPD was shut down in the wake of revelations surrounding the Iran-Contra criminal conspiracy, “the 4th PSYOPS group still operates,” thus demonstrating there is not much in a name or bureaucratic designation.

    FAIR continues:

    An unofficial strategy paper published by the U.S. Naval War College in 1996 and written by an Army officer (”Military Operations in the CNN World: Using the Media as a Force Multiplier”) urged military commanders to find ways to “leverage the vast resources of the fourth estate” for the purposes of “communicating the [mission’s] objective and endstate, boosting friendly morale, executing more effective psychological operations, playing a major role in deception of the enemy, and enhancing intelligence collection.”

    As former Lt. Col. Karen Kwiatkowski informs us, the Straussian neocons currently hold sway over the Pentagon and presumably the 4th PSYOPS group and other disinformation and “deception” operations. Kwiatkowski was assigned to the Pentagon’s Near East and South Asia bureau under the control of the execrable Zionist neocon Douglas Feith. Other appointees hailed from neocon “think tanks” such as the American Enterprise Institute and the Washington Institute for Near East Policy. “Along with Feith, all of the political appointees have in common a close identification with the views of the right-wing Likud Party in Israel,” writes Jim Lobe.

    Thus it can be assumed CNN—long infested with PSYOPS operatives and the corporate media long ago penetrated by the CIA under Operation Mockingbird—is running yet another propaganda campaign designed to stigmatize Muslims as the Straussian neocons, as the American branch of the reactionary and fascist Likudites, prepare the nation for “world war four” (as former CIA director and neocon James Woolsey deems it).
  4. XerxesX

    XerxesX New Member

    Hi there Nursey
    I see the typical ( propagandatroll) ending comes in, both as to Likudites in your posting, and in the original links last comment mentioning a jewish"controlled" media.
    Hm ! I think its symptomative of the last desperation of argument. A baddie thrown in to make the whole page look bad. Anyone believing that the Mossad and the Hollywood filmindustry plow with the same ploug is sadly mistaken
    When things are SO see-through and their ploy is misinformation and historical revisionism, and attacks on the human mind, one is forced to retort:

    Hudson River Protection Plan & No Child Left Behind. Its paralell to the quarrel wether to spy on us-citizens. This one being psyoperation against conservation and edu.

    And yes ! It IS an Evil Machination. And when that is an evil use of psyop-tactics against ones own citizens, one must continue to take their use of FREEDOM, LIBERTY etc, and use it against them. But the only TRUE conspiracy i see here, ( appart from wartactics and some slide into civilian politick ), is the utter stupidity and lack of rethorical skill on behalf of the democratic party.
  5. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Xerk thank you so much for providing a level of sanity here. I know we have had our disagreements and have always been able to conduct ideological debate in polite manner. I gave up trying to talk to Nursey because it is so difficult and I'm afraid she has no respect for any of my opinion. After wasting a huge amount of my time and reading the propaganda piece about propaganda. (Kind of like two Jerry Springer contestants calling each other liar back and forth) I was thinking "where to even start" but you pretty much summed it up.

    Nursey, I do not belittle the use of pasting except for the sheer volume used coming from suspect sources forces me to say something.

    I'm just a regular blue collar type myself not a college educated snob. But I generally stick to what I believe and logical reasons as to why. I'm afraid your pursuit of proof to validate your point only further disillusions you.
  6. XerxesX

    XerxesX New Member

    Hi Joe ! Totally agree that its neccesary to sum it up. Nursey! You post so much of it that it in it self is an obfuscation :)
    It should be noted that CNN is a branch of the 4th Army PSYOPS group staffed the National Security Council’s Office of Public Diplomacy (OPD), “a shadowy government propaganda agency that planted stories in the U.S. media supporting the Reagan Administration’s Central America policies,” as Fairness & Accuracy in Reporting revealed way back in 2000. OPD is a “vast psychological warfare operation of the kind the military conducts to influence a population in enemy territory,” according to Miami Herald

    I do not know what kind of people write for the M.Herald, but i doubt that any mistake here is based on left-right ideology. CNNs political string could of course try correct democratically elected politicians mistakes on a long-term base. So could the M.H-source. Still ! Its farfetched to call the CNN a part of an armycorps. ( But all major media will be connected to its mothercountry, pluss more, intcom ).

    In this case the CNNs prime function NOW, would be to show that not everybody in the states is behinds Bushes Iraq-policy and this corresponds to the intelligence-"leakes" that happened "youknowwhen" after "youknowwhat". I interpreted it in a thesis ,an antithesis, and a synthesis, 1: its a worried reaction from the professional society. 2: Its a fabrication of "the democratical divide" spelling: we can still negotiate etc SeeCNN above. 3: Its both, as the different agencies have different conserns and will look at the ball from the angle of different players.

    Just like chinese, or european, or russian media will play their peoples love for own country and tolerance for others in a game that is defined by the "others" presumptive actions.

    Its important to see it from a coaches view as well. And a lot of the time, the players on a teame, can run as they wish and play "their" game. Thats the idea about free media. They have the same interest at specialisation as any other ecosystem. One fast, one strong. Please remember to keep the rules of the game though. Thats very important.
  7. XerxesX

    XerxesX New Member

    Propaganda as sleight of information, is after all a neccesary part of life after introduction of speach !
  8. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    None whatsoever. Though i don't totally disrespect you because i tend to think you do actually, sincerely believe your seriously flawed (in my opinion) view of things, unlike the cynical scum (like those in power) who knowingly mislead. Though at times, it has appeared as if you are contorting when faced with certain irrefutable facts in order to shape reality to your views rather than cede any ground on your beliefs. In which case you are a worthless, cowardly cheat.
  9. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    Well that's why i put the 'disclaimer' at the beginning. I originally went through it trying to select the most important bits, but with it being so complex i gave up and felt it would be better just to reproduce it in its' entirety.

    But there is a predominantly jewish controlled media. That's fact, not propaganda. The propaganda is that we shouldn't investigate the significance of that due to the taboos that surround the subject.
  10. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member


    For once I agree with Nursey.

  11. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Media is predominately Jewish controlled and that is a valid point. We should also mention the medical establishment as well as the American Bar association I would guess. Which is where the media cooperates (the Bar Association) with the legal system closely to create a false impression of actually why goes on in the court system. If Americans knew what kind of activism takes place there would be uproar that would be herd during the next election cycle and the Dems would have to think twice about obstructing conservative nominations to the bench.

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