I'm sorry as long as Chris Rock and the like can sit and call Whites everything in the book so can White Comedians. The double standard needs to end. Also AL Sharpton & Jessie fucking Jackson need to keep there fucking mouths shut because they have said shit about whites and jews.
I was wondering if someone would bring it up. I watch very little of Imus but from what I have seen he is far from a bigot. He does a talk show no script involved. People say shit without thinking about it all the time. People try to emulate other dialects all the time for the humor effect. Remember for instance the Austin Powers movie and then after words all over talk shows on radio or morning TV shows were hosts throwing out their best "Yeah Baby!!" or other wise. Well this is no different. You have to wonder when speech such as what Imus said is so very pervasive in black culture but here we have a guy admitting he was not thinking clearly about what he was saying and regrets it, but the hate filled black bigot crowd wants him fired? Remember when the Oakland Raiders were the bad asses of Pro Football like late 80s or early 90s? Same thing commentators would comment on then being ruthless, aggressive, mean, bad, and in whatever terms popped up in their head and there was ZERO backlash. I think what is really going on here is an assault on live talk style hosted shows. These shows are not dominated by the extreme liberal types like print media mainly because these types cannot risk being put on the spot in a live show whatever position they are taking crumbles. Look at Air America for example. Imus is just the beginning they will use it as precedence a reasoning to use for taking down the big game that they want.
As for Al Sharpton or Jessie Jackson look at either one of them and tell me what their talent is. If they were not doing what they are doing then what could they do for a living. They are the hate merchants they hold the strings to the black community and can whip them into a frenzy at will. If there were no hatred or perceived hatred then there would be no Jessie Jackson or Al Sharpton. They are one of the main reasons that hatred in America will never be allowed to die. It is an industry. But what happens when Katie Couric’s video essay on libraries was found to be plagiarized from The Wall Street Journal at precisely the same time? Do you hear the outrage?
This just goes to show how out-of-touch with current events I am... I'd do a google search, but I'm too lazy. Honestly - I have no fucking clue who the hell "Imus" is.
Everyone says bad shit all the time, its only the PC brigade/the media that blow these things out of proportion when it comes to TV/radio personality but you know what, the media have started to look like a child having a tantrum in a shop when it wasn't allowed sweets, the best thing to do with something like that is ignore it, dont give the media what they want and boycott their products all together..
I think Imus is a horse’s ass but I don’t think that “Nappy-headed hos” should be his undoing. Where are the proponents of free-speech now? Many were ready to drape themselves in the First Amendment for “2 Live Crew” and “Ice T” but would have Imus lose his job over a few words. Al Sharpton is an ambulance-chaser trying to convince people that they have been offended. We won’t be allowed to move forward as long as these rabble-rousers continue to rip the scabs off of every racial wound. What Imus said was offensive to those young women on that team. They're just college students. He should be ashamed. He should apologize. But he should also be allowed to keep his job even if he says stupid shit again. Imus is not the one inciting riots. Sharpton is.
Welcome to America everyone. It's called freedom of speech. People are entitled to say all the dumb shit they want. It's up to the indvidual to decide whether or not they want to sound like an ingnorant, racist blowhard. In Imus' case it's up to whatever company owns him at this point if he will be fired or not, and it isn't going to be based on if he is a racist or not. It's going to come down to how much money he makes for them vs how much of a pain in the ass it is to keep him. And the whole two week suspension has my money on the money he makes his company.
I agree with everyone. You are all right. I'm pretty sick of people having to apologize for offending someone. It's pretty simple if you don't like what someone from the media is saying... turn the channel. If it hadn't turned into a racist remark, it would have been turned into a sexist remark by some dykey feminist group. Someone is always getting their feelings hurt. I don't get it. The guy has been saying rude shit for a while... again, if you don't like it, turn it. Glenn Beck gets on my fucking nerves and I don't like some of the things he has to say so I turn the channel when he rears his head after Nancy Grace each night. Someone will pick Imus up.
A stupid comment does not equal racism. If I were Imus I would sue for wrongful discharge. I gurantee you that his employer has allowed racist comments to go unpunished as long as the comments were about white people or Jews. A double standard is the stuff lawsuits are made of.
double sandards ..... welcome to life.... homie got blamed for fighting the easy fight.... the comfortable foght for sharprton... fuck jessy and sharpton... they eint niggas/..... real niggas do real things.... holla at ya boy... no homo
I voted yes, not because of the comments, just because I think he is an ass. He should have said, "Nappy headed, crack smokin, carpet munching hoes"
I had never even heard of him until all of this. He's so Larry King, that's for sure. Larry King is celebrating 50 years in broadcasting! Go Larry! That Imus guy looks like a cancer-ey version of Neil Young.
Id only heard of him cos id seen howard sterns film 'private parts' so i couldnt give a fuck either way whether he gets sacked or not.