I'm sorry

Discussion in 'General Mayhem' started by Cheezedawg, Apr 17, 2003.

  1. Cheezedawg

    Cheezedawg Guest

    I guess I owe you guys an apology. I've been a prick in here lately (at least more than usual), especially to Icenhour. I may take shots at you guys and vice versa, but I do it with only light hearted intentions. When Icenhour posted that review of that stupid movie, I just saw an easy target. After that post about the animal web page, I think I just went over the line.

    You see, I've got this dog that is 15 years old and can barely walk. He shits himself everynight and can't piss without falling over. He constantly tears the skin off his ass and his teeth are beyond rotten.

    I'm taking him to the vet today to put him down.

    This has been looming over my head for two weeks now and finally I had to vent some frustration. A few of you caught some of my hostility that should not have been directed at you.

    I guess I should be thankful that Icenhour managed to catch my attention before someone cool like Ulfur or Pimp accidently said the wrong thing at the wrong time.

    I would use the words "I'm sorry", but thats just not gonna happen. So I hope "My apologies" are all that is needed.

    Now, I'm off to do something that I should have done months ago. Probally one of the hardest things I'll do in my life (Unless I'm forced into sex with Janet Reno one day). Later peeps.

    PS: Any cracks about my dog will be met with brutal retribution. In other words, Don't go there. Not a good idea.
  2. kat

    kat New Member

    Sorry about your puppy,same kinda thing happened with my dog,a couple years back
  3. Cigarettes

    Cigarettes New Member

    damn.....that sucks. Sorry if I said anything dude. I know how it is. Be cool, alright.
  4. joeker

    joeker New Member

    May your pooch rest in peace

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Cheezedawg:
    I guess I owe you guys an apology. I've been a prick in here lately (at least more than usual), especially to Icenhour. I may take shots at you guys and vice versa, but I do it with only light hearted intentions. When Icenhour posted that review of that stupid movie, I just saw an easy target. After that post about the animal web page, I think I just went over the line.

    You see, I've got this dog that is 15 years old and can barely walk. He shits himself everynight and can't piss without falling over. He constantly tears the skin off his ass and his teeth are beyond rotten.

    I'm taking him to the vet today to put him down.

    This has been looming over my head for two weeks now and finally I had to vent some frustration. A few of you caught some of my hostility that should not have been directed at you.

    I guess I should be thankful that Icenhour managed to catch my attention before someone cool like Ulfur or Pimp accidently said the wrong thing at the wrong time.

    I would use the words "I'm sorry", but thats just not gonna happen. So I hope "My apologies" are all that is needed.

    Now, I'm off to do something that I should have done months ago. Probally one of the hardest things I'll do in my life (Unless I'm forced into sex with Janet Reno one day). Later peeps.

    PS: Any cracks about my dog will be met with brutal retribution. In other words, Don't go there. Not a good idea.
  5. Cough Syrup

    Cough Syrup New Member

    That's rough man, the only dog I ever had got old and too slow to move out of the way of a pick up truck that swerved to hit her.

    I haven't had a dog since.

    I've heard that a lot of vets will come to your house to put pets to rest. The good ones, anyway.
  6. Smokey McPot

    Smokey McPot Member

  7. Smokey McPot

    Smokey McPot Member

    My dog died a few weeks back
  8. Fugly

    Fugly Administrator Staff Member Fugly Staff

    After you do it, why don't you post some pictures like you did of that woman's siter?
  9. Fugly

    Fugly Administrator Staff Member Fugly Staff

    Dead things aren't funny. I'm sorry to hear about your dog, man. Seriously.

    Icenhour was supposed to have brain surgery this morning. I asked her if she would have her husband come in and post a quick not to let everyone know that she's ok but she wasn't sure if he would.

    She said that if she wasn't back in a week or so, to assume the worst. That sucks. She was really cute. I hope she's ok.

    Sorry again about your dog. What was/is his name?
  10. Nicodemus

    Nicodemus New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by FUGLY:
    After you do it, why don't you post some pictures like you did of that woman's sister?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    DAAAAMN!!! [/]
  11. Nicodemus

    Nicodemus New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by FUGLY:
    Dead things aren't funny. I'm sorry to hear about your dog, man. Seriously.

    Icenhour was supposed to have brain surgery this morning. I asked her if she would have her husband come in and post a quick not to let everyone know that she's ok but she wasn't sure if he would.

    She said that if she wasn't back in a week or so, to assume the worst. That sucks. She was really cute. I hope she's ok.

    Sorry again about your dog. What was/is his name?

    Man, that's really fucked up.

    Cheeze, I can empathize. It's a tough call to have to make, but I'm sure you know in your heart it was the right one.

    As for Icenhour, I sincerely hope she pulls through. I think she's pretty fuckin' cool.

    And on a sidenote, I'd just like to say how thankful I am to whatever powers that be (God, Allah, Sociopathic Internet Stalkers, or the INS) for the merciful gift of Kitana's absence now, and at any given time.
  12. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.
    When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge. There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together. There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.

    All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor. Those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by. The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.
    They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent. His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.

    You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.

    Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together....

    I'd never thought I'd post that here, but I must admit, it makes me shed a tear everytime I read it. Anyone who has lost a pet close to their hearts knows how it feels. I'm sorry, Cheeze.
  13. Icenhour

    Icenhour New Member

    "When Icenhour posted that review of that stupid movie, I just saw an easy target."

    Gummo still rocks, watch it ... then dis it.
    you should like it, it has white trash kids torturing cats in a few parts... might remind you of your childhood.

    white trash children are funny

    the trailer makes it look more artsy then it is http://www.finelinefeatures.com/gummo/mov/gummo.mov
  14. unlimited-time

    unlimited-time Active Member

    Will you two kiss and be friends.You are both capable of being as nasty as each other so you really should get on.
  15. Smokey McPot

    Smokey McPot Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Icenhour:
    drugged up, still alive, being board. Keep in mind my posts for the next 2 weeks might be fucked up; I am on a bunch of shit

    Cheeze, you are an asshole. I know you said you were sorry but I still need to talk about your attitude. First you need to know that your cockish ways are not your fault. I just saw the pics on your site from your New Years Eve party. I have never felt so sorry for someone in my life. It is clear to me now that you came from a poor white trash family. I was going to use the insult "you’re a truck driver? How proud mom must be…" but then I realized, that might be a big aclompishment in your family, and your mom might be proud of her baby boy. Being an animal lover I normally would not make fun of your dog having to be put to sleep, but I do think you should take him home and peel his skin back ,,, do a little autopsy and add the pics to site. OR send it to Kitana to do it for you. She can add Jade parts to her http://www.sickppl.com/kitsworld/Misc/mycollection.jpg

    Or maybe you can ram a broom up your dog’s ass and take pics like that girl’s sister that begged you to take the pic down. http://www.sickppl.com/coroner/broom.html

    I mean you say you use the site foe educational purposes, educate us what your dog looks like without skin.

    When I first saw your site, I do have to admit I looked at all the gross pics, then I found fugly forums and soon discovered what a fuck head the "Cheeze" was. I started thinking and figured out why you have such a site. Well it’s obviously not for money. But in your sad existence you feel the need to put down others, and the best place is the Internet. And as for your site… it’s just a huge insult to dead victims. Not only are they dead but they died in horrible and some painful ways. And since dead people are just about the only people you have beaten in the game of life, you feel the need to exploit them. If your lot lizard moma had her face smashed in and a live rabbit shoved in her cunt, how would you like the pics to be thrown all over the web. Now I know your not going to take your shit site down but be nice to people that beg you to take ONE pic off. I mean if it was my site (I would never have a site like that BTW) and the girl was nice and polite, I would take it down.
    And if you ever have to haul anything to Georgia why don’t you pop the clutch, give the tranny a spin and slide on into Icenhour farm. I bet we could have some fun, I will break out my old dungeon equipment and teach you to fucking respect women.

    BTW my husband's cat died yesterday.... he knows what you going thrugh.... fuckin pussies

  16. unlimited-time

    unlimited-time Active Member

    Fucked any children latly Dipshit?
  17. kat

    kat New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Icenhour:
    "When Icenhour posted that review of that stupid movie, I just saw an easy target."

    Gummo still rocks, watch it ... then dis it.

    Well I watched it,and I thought it was kinda lame,I wanted to punch most of those kids in the face.Then I got bored and fell asleep..But you said it was soo good,and it was on tv,so I figured what the hey......*shrugs* different strokes for different folks i guess
  18. Nicodemus

    Nicodemus New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by unlimited time:
    Will you two kiss and be friends.You are both capable of being as nasty as each other so you really should get on.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Actually, I'm rather enjoying this. And btw I've got $20 on the Ice Queen.
  19. Icenhour

    Icenhour New Member

    drugged up, still alive, being board. Keep in mind my posts for the next 2 weeks might be fucked up; I am on a bunch of shit

    Cheeze, you are an asshole. I know you said you were sorry but I still need to talk about your attitude. First you need to know that your cockish ways are not your fault. I just saw the pics on your site from your New Years Eve party. I have never felt so sorry for someone in my life. It is clear to me now that you came from a poor white trash family. I was going to use the insult "you’re a truck driver? How proud mom must be…" but then I realized, that might be a big aclompishment in your family, and your mom might be proud of her baby boy. Being an animal lover I normally would not make fun of your dog having to be put to sleep, but I do think you should take him home and peel his skin back ,,, do a little autopsy and add the pics to site. OR send it to Kitana to do it for you. She can add Jade parts to her http://www.sickppl.com/kitsworld/Misc/mycollection.jpg

    Or maybe you can ram a broom up your dog’s ass and take pics like that girl’s sister that begged you to take the pic down. http://www.sickppl.com/coroner/broom.html

    I mean you say you use the site foe educational purposes, educate us what your dog looks like without skin.

    When I first saw your site, I do have to admit I looked at all the gross pics, then I found fugly forums and soon discovered what a fuck head the "Cheeze" was. I started thinking and figured out why you have such a site. Well it’s obviously not for money. But in your sad existence you feel the need to put down others, and the best place is the Internet. And as for your site… it’s just a huge insult to dead victims. Not only are they dead but they died in horrible and some painful ways. And since dead people are just about the only people you have beaten in the game of life, you feel the need to exploit them. If your lot lizard moma had her face smashed in and a live rabbit shoved in her cunt, how would you like the pics to be thrown all over the web. Now I know your not going to take your shit site down but be nice to people that beg you to take ONE pic off. I mean if it was my site (I would never have a site like that BTW) and the girl was nice and polite, I would take it down.
    And if you ever have to haul anything to Georgia why don’t you pop the clutch, give the tranny a spin and slide on into Icenhour farm. I bet we could have some fun, I will break out my old dungeon equipment and teach you to fucking respect women.

    BTW my husband's cat died yesterday.... he knows what you going thrugh.... fuckin pussies
  20. Smokey McPot

    Smokey McPot Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by unlimited time:
    Fucked any children latly Dipshit?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    A few, yes. Why? you want pics?

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