Guardian decided it is an opportune time to bring back up Wrote a whole article about new pictures of abuse. Only there is not one abuse picture in the whole stack.
I just was some sickening turture pick of that. Really bad case of brutalisation and lack of empathy. Poor neighbours when those responsible get back to the states.
The first pic was of some guy receiving medical assistance. I guess they are making some giant leap that it means he received injuries in the prison instead of the battle field. And that the injuries were received from American soldiers not his fellow cellmates. And that also if the injuries were received from the American soldiers he was being a peaceful little innocent lamb forced through a series of painful torture. That’s a far leap to take to say the picture is depicting torture. It’s amazing how conditioned people are to take that and run with it. Hold it up as a banner of proof.
Looks like they are from the original scandal though. The Sun s angleamerican sensored pics look inocent untill you count the hours :cry: gives a few more but its the same torture-scandal that was unveiled and it comes now because journalists are what they are and that :wink:
That IS a good point by the Slapper. There are to many of these cute little parasites running around. The human scourge and all that. One should have to choose between nature and culture ( like kids ) .
No doubt the shit is fucked up, and the entire world should hold the U.S. feet to the fire over this shit until we've proven beyond a reasonable doubt that torture is no longer an acceptable means of gathering intel. How the fuck can the Bush Administration present itself as an honorable government when Cheney is lobbying for limitations on torture bans? Answer me that, Joe?
It's all a show. In this coming apocalypse, we need all the rest of the world to see that we're evil, and that we need to be destroyed for them to be happy again. It's not just the Bush administration, they want as many stupid fucks and camera saying "Hell yeah, I think we should just kill all these goddam A-rabs and Muhahidoos and towel-heads. Just nuke the goddam place."
sure it is, you give them the ol' "I'm gonna ask you some questions, and I already know the answers to a few of them, if you lie on those I'll really really hurt you," and they won't want to lie. If they do, and you think they are and catch it, you cut something off. It'll reinforce their belief that you know what the hell you're talking about. Or maybe you actually do know some of the answers, then the whole spiel works better.
joe don't you think your reply is a little hasty? we haven't even see the pictures yet, there's just that one on yahoo, and it in combination with a few others would at least constitute abuse