barry can't you see he's franchise... aka steve francis... NBA... no? nothing? da bwoy dem be a streit rwude bwoy zeeen
The overall theme is: Who can commit suicide successfully first? If you can beat the rest of us, you will be crowned as the king of kings!
fuck. now i got that song stuck in my head... "don't go ridin on that loooong black traaaaiiinnn......"
I don't care if you are black, white or purple with yellow spots. Ebonics, if that is what that was, is the language of losers. Color has noting to do with it. Barry
man that's a three strikes yer out then. yeesh survivors are those who may have a strike against them but arent stupid enough as to advertise other strikes. and i am not a survivor..but i'm still breathin, so i get extra points for that. fuckin hate ebonics. if the accent is real, fine, if not fuckoffanddie!
you all are some fucking losers. Its a shame that this country is still has assholes like you all! :?
and vice versa, the cotton industry has never been the same, my family lost a fourtune, but so you see me complaining?
Cracker yes, soon to tell, lving room racist, probably, give you and your entire family a job, a place to stay, on my plantation if given the oppourtunity ABSOLUTELY.