You know I posted the one about girlie girl or tomboy---but this morning I heard the men in the office talking about women and how sexy the skinny ones are and how if there skinny you know they have to be good at other things and I about blew up--I mean im not skinny but I'm not anywhere near fat---as my ex's have always said "I got alitte meat on my bones" but it just got me to thinking is this the way all men think? I mean the population on average is now above a size 12--I'm a 10 so i dont consider that big at all I'm big at the top=---I dont know figure i would post this and see what i get back on this---skinny vs. filled out vs. big girls
shit what do u expect the poor guys live in texas...... i will bet you my left nut that you can't find a single girl in all of europe that needs two seats to fit her fat ass
well like i said im not skinny but im not fat either-my ass can fit into a seat just fine and have room
see when you have big boobs(I do to) and a small ass(yep that too) and skinny legs unless you wear stuff that just shows everything shirts never hand right and some make you look bigger than you are
Oh yeah you just soooo get me . . . . .so should I chop them off or would a revolver be the best bet??? It is driving me to torment, pleeeeeeease help meeeee xx
I've heard it said that the average 5'4'' woman weighs 150lbs. I like that look. Typically, I'm not attracted to a girl I could pick up and snap over my knee. I say we all end up old, wrinkly and shitting ourselves. I try to focus on personality and open mindedness and a healthy attitude towards sex.
Bwahahaha! I'm 5'4 and I weigh 115-120, but I'm curvy...I don't know, hon, I think it depends on how comfortable you are in your own skin. Don't worry about what men think, Jesus.
Ever heard it said that when women dress up all hot to go out its not to look good for men but to look better than the other women? And I'd agree for sure confidence is awsome. I feel sexiness, or being sexy, is at least 90% attitude.
bro 90 is a bit high although i agree attituted plays a major role.... i dont care HOW sexy schmed acts i'd still have trouble hitting it
It's not a joke. (well having ginger hair is, but that's not the point) I was saying, I'm sure I know you from 'real' life, do any of your sprogs have ginger hair? Jeez.