I'm a little pissed right now.

Discussion in 'General Mayhem' started by Lomotil, May 5, 2004.

  1. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    Long story cut short:

    Yesterday, while moving my lawnmower through the side yard into the backyard, I stumbled upon a fresh litter of kittens that had been living in my side yard. I am not a cat person. Despite that fact, I'd kinda grown attached to the little bastards, started playing with them, and I started feeding 'momma' afterwards.

    Today at work I tell everyone about them, in an effort to find homes for them, and I decide to go home for lunch and pick them up, take them to work, in hopes that some of the chicks there would fall in love with a kitty and want one. So, I come home, find that they've made their way across the fence into my neighbors yard, so I ask him if he minded me walking around to pick 'em up and try to find homes for them. Bear in mind that this guy shoots more adult strays than I do, and suggested me calling the animal control to come out and 'destroy' them. I explained that I had a few people that wanted cats, and I was going to go show them off to try and find homes for them. It worked.

    I bring them back from work because they're a bit too young to leave 'momma' - but I've already found homes for three of the five kittens. 'Momma' is waiting for her litter when I get back, and I let all five of them walk back to her, and I open a fresh can of tuna - then go back to work.

    After work, I go out and buy some canned cat food, and go to put it out - No kitties. No momma. Just my freshly opened can of tuna (untouched), a 'fenced off' area in my neighbor's yard, an empty styrofoam icechest, and that's it.

    Apparently he either A) called the animal control people, had them come out and haul them away, or B) scared away 'momma' long enough to drown the kittens in that icechest.

    Either way, I'm pissed.
  2. 1337

    1337 New Member

    the real short version:
    lomo found some kittens, went to work, when he got back they were gone, neighbour had something to do with it.
  3. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    Oh yeah, something I forgot to mention - one of the little bastards was born blind. I was actually thinking about keeping the little dude, but I guess that shit ain't gonna happen...
  4. unlimited-time

    unlimited-time Active Member

    Get a huge barrel and drown your fuckin neighbour in it.
  5. Dr.Roboto

    Dr.Roboto New Member

    i was thinking more of a glass tube and sticking hot coals up its ass but the barrel idea seems alot easier. plus ppl can drown in anything. if you got the time and effort, piss in it till its full.
  6. Spooky Action

    Spooky Action New Member

    Why not knock on your neighbours door and ask him what the fuck he did with them?

    He may not have done anything at all with them. The mother may have freaked out about the kittens being missing and all the different scent on them when returned. She may have thought it'd be safer to keep them somewhere else.

    But still, you should ask your neighbour if he did anything with them and if he did and he's got the balls to say so. You can tell him just how pissed you are... (also have someone video the meeting/conversation/slagging match/fight).
  7. KaptainSkitzo

    KaptainSkitzo New Member

    I got a REAL good idea....

    just beat the fucker with a ball-bat, then shove a glass rod down the piss hole in his dick, and shatter the shit. I bet before you shatter that glass rod, the bastard becomes REAL cooperative.
    Lemme know if you need help with that....I'm REAL good at torture.
  8. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    Now that the beer's worn off, I'm pretty sure momma moved the cats somewhere else.

    I just wanted to play with one last night... that's all... Maybe make a stew... :shock:

    I dunno, I still kinda want the one kitten that's blind.
  9. unlimited-time

    unlimited-time Active Member

    Go to your local pet store and buy one and poke it in the eyes.
  10. FredVegas

    FredVegas New Member

    so... blind kittens make the best stew?

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